Roll 2 Scene 8 - A Conversation Between Friends

103 21 128

November 11th, 2019

"So," Kate prompted, sipping on a mocha that someone from the set had gotten for her. She sipped it slowly, but loud enough for people to hear. Nith grinned, taking a sip of his water. Some habits never die. "The signing went well?"

Nith nodded. Happy purred from his lap as he scratched her on the head.

"She is so docile."

Nith scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You haven't seen her in the morning yet."

"I want to meet her." Kate placed her cup on the table. The trailer was pitch black and - according to Kate - she was too lazy to turn on the lights. So it forced Nith to make out her movements from the shadows on the darkened computer screen. And he was failing at it miserably. "Are you going to Vlomot for new years?"

"I am always home during the new year, you know ..." he trailed off.

Kate moved again. Nith could barely see her face in the darkness. His eyes hurt and he knew a headache was coming at how much he was forcing himself to focus on her. Yet he refused to wear his glasses in front of Kate. Even though she was miles away, separated by the screen, Nith knew the teasing he would get would be relentless. He didn't want that.

"How is your dad doing? Nick and little Lia? How are they?"

"Little Lia isn't little anymore. All grown up now. In college, studying filmmaking, or directing. Last time we talked she couldn't decide." He shrugged. "She is actually in Mbona School of Fine Arts."

"Wait, seriously!"

"Yeah." Nith shook his head. "She moved out a year ago."

"Ian, he's taking it well?"

"Dad's ... getting there."

She nodded, knowingly.

The voices of others drifted through the half-closed door. With just a few more days of shooting left for Cat Woman, the set was bustling with activity. Kate only had one more scene left before she was done for the day.

"I read one of your books yesterday."

Nith stopped stroking Happy. The cat nudged his hand to go on. "Ye-yeah?"

"Yeah. Mother read all of them, apparently. So I asked her, and she told me to try Murder at Grayville. But when I asked the people on the set, they told me to read MS? Apparently it's super romantic and I just had to read it. I told them to get me that." She took a large sip of her drink before she started to talk again, "But the book was sold out." Nith lets out the breath he was holding in. "So they got me Murder at Grayville." She shifted again, coming closer to the tablet. "Read the whole thing during breaks. It was really good. Short but good."

"I am glad you liked it." Nith smiled. "It's my favorite so far."

Kate took another sip, finally finishing it with a loud slurp. "I love the mystery of it. What is the story of your other one? The famous romantic one? MS?"

"You won't like it." His eyes flicked at the blue diary in his bookcase before coming back to rest on the screen. "Trust me, you won't like it."


"It's girly?"

Kate snorted. "I am a girl. And that is such a sexist-slash-lame excuse. You could do better, dodo."

Nith's lip twitched up at the nickname, a low chuckle vibrating through him. He hadn't heard that in years. "You just won't like it."

"Fine, don't tell me." She huffed, crossing her hands over her chest. Nith smiled.

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