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Standing in the middle of the garden,
Surrounded with the shadow of the darkness,
but enlightened by the moon in the sky.
Just like your sudden appearance,
you've enchanted my haunted feelings.

In just a second—your in front of me,
undoubtedly reached my hand.
Collected my strength to fight the hesitations,
raised and tried to reach your hand.
but something blocked us.

Fascinated by your unexpected presence,
in a moment I merely forgot,
the reality has lost in my mind.
The weak heart was embraced by sorrow,
And still can feel the wall between us.

The freedom I've ever dreamed of,
in just a snap it disappeared.
Hope was drawn into your eyes,
which I wanted for a long time,
that is hard to get because of the hindrances.

The past was remembered again,
where the heart was captured by the pain
True love—is the only thing I gave,
but a broken heart has been returned,
and burdened with too much pain.

Counted the drops of sadness from the eye,
every tears flowing down the face,
a different pain has been felt.
Pierced by the thorn of roses,
my heart is bleeding and suffering.

Faith was lost and depleted,
to see the light I dreamed of.
To catch the hope I desired,
and escape the room that suffocates,
and tears turn into sweet smiles.

Felt the touch in my hand,
and awakened the absentminded.
Felt sorry for forgetting your presence,
the reality has been back,
and was surprised with your actions.

The wall was gone from my sight,
was lost in words by seeing the light.
My heart can't stop beating so fast,
clouded with the happiness,
and felt back the strength that was lost.

Giving up was never the solution.
Wait for the love that was not painful but true,
because it will run into you at the right time.
Everything happens for a reason,
continue to fill your heart and mind with hope.


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