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In times of darkness, when despair may loom,
When shadows deepen, casting gloom on sight,
Hope shines like beacon in the darkened room,
Guiding us forward, with its gentle light.

With fragile wings, hope dances through the air,
Whispering promises of better days,
It weaves its magic, mending hearts laid bare,
Restoring strength and chasing doubts away.

Through every trial, hope is steadfast, true,
A companion, walking by our side,
It lifts us up when we are feeling blue,
And gives us courage, as we dare to stride.

Amidst the darkest hour, when all seems lost,
And heavy burdens crush the weary soul,
There lies within us an unyielding force,
A glowing ember that can make us whole,

It's hope that stirs within us, bright and true,
And with its gentle touch, it fans the flame,
Guiding us through shadowed paths anew,
And kindling in our hearts a hopeful frame.

For hope is not just wishful thinking, no,
It's an unwavering faith in all that's good,
A steadfast belief that we can grow,
And rise above what once we understood.

Oh, hope, eternal flame that never wanes,
In you, we find the strength to break our chains.
So let us cling to hope, with steadfast might,
And bask in its warm, invigorating light.

--Queen Sweet Serenity

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