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What a beautiful morning to celebrate.
Reflecting on the concept of being alive again, I couldn't help but feel regret for opening my eyes, when I could have just let them remain closed. Forever.
I took a deep breath as I scanned the room, realizing that I was all alone. Yes, I am living independently, growing up without anyone to support and motivate me to live my life to the fullest. No one. I have neither family nor friends. It's just me, myself, and I. What a life.

They say to live life to the fullest because you only live once. But honestly, I don't wish to live longer or live this kind of life.

An alarm interrupts my inner thoughts. With a heavy sigh and a heavy heart, I stand up and stretch my body. Although it's a slow morning for me, I still need to continue living— not to the fullest, but just enough to get by. I have to work hard to survive the harshness of this world.

"Good morning, Doctor Tori!" greeted Amanda, my ward nurse, with a wide smile. I simply nod in response.

There's nothing to celebrate, really. I just woke up to repeat the same routine, day in and day out. I'll be reporting to this dull place, checking on people's lives, providing support, motivation, and encouragement for them to keep living. Giving them false hope that they'll recover, that they'll regain the lives they once had.

Isn't it ironic? Doctors are supposed to save and improve lives— I unfortunately belong to that group, yet here I am, regretting my own existence. Regretting that I am still breathing.

"Doc, we have a code blue patient from the ER," Amanda said hurriedly, setting up the things I needed in a manner I couldn't keep up with. She was rushing around as if something catastrophic was about to happen. But it's nothing new.

Every time there's an emergency, she acts as though that patient in the ER desperately needs saving. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I am just a tool used to revive people and help them with their illnesses. My goal is to provide them with what they need to live healthier and happier lives, without any critical conditions affecting their bodies.

For me, being a doctor is not a special profession. I chose this path for the money, as harsh as it may seem. Money is a necessity in this world.

One day, a distraught mother begged me to save her daughter's life. This was not a new experience for me, as many patients have approached me seeking help in similar situations.

As I sensed the hope in Ms. Forge's eyes, I knew that she was counting on me to cure and save her daughter's life.
Despite my limitations as a doctor, I promised Ms. Forge that I would do everything I can to help her daughter. At that moment, a little girl of about three or four years old caught my attention. I couldn't ignore the sight of her condition, so I assessed her right away. Her mother was holding her hand and trying to be strong despite her tears.

I looked around to see if the father was present but was informed that he left them to pursue his career. Ms. Forge remained positive despite the struggles they were facing. She explained that having a child was not in their plan, but they still stayed together through thick and thin.

"That we will still be together and will support each other as we pursue our individual dreams," she added, glancing at her peacefully sleeping daughter, who had been given medicine by Amanda earlier while her mother was talking to me. Listening to stories about other people's lives wasn't something I enjoyed.

"When Amara was still inside me, her father decided to terminate the pregnancy, considering it merely as a mass of blood," she explained, her voice filled with sadness. I despised hearing about other people's personal dramas.

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