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Live in the hope of everything
When darkness looms, and shadows dance with glee,
I'll gather strength from the stars' celestial grace,
With every breath, hope whispers to set me free,
In this turbulent world, hope is my solace, my place.

Beneath thunderous clouds, where tempests roam,
Amidst the howling winds and crashing sea,
I'll hold onto hope, like an anchor for my soul,
A beacon of light, guiding my spirit, unwaveringly,
Amidst the storm's fury, hope keeps my heart whole.

When despair engulfs, like a suffocating mist,
And tears stream down, in a river of sorrow,
I'll look for hope's hand, with a gentle twist,
To heal the wounds, a brighter tomorrow I borrow,
In the depths of despair, hope persists, never dismissed.

In the battlefield of life, where battles are fought,
Amidst the chaos of war, where hopes can fade,
I'll forge ahead, with hope as my armor taut,
A shield against despair, a sword against the shade,
With hope's flame ablaze, victories will be wrought.

When doubts assail, and dreams begin to wane,
Amidst the questioning whispers that entwine,
I'll cling to hope's melody, a celestial refrain,
A symphony of possibilities, harmonies divine,
In the face of uncertainty, hope will sustain.

In the labyrinth of time, where paths intertwine,
Amidst the twists and turns that fate bestows,
I'll hold onto hope, a compass so divine,
Guiding me forward, where destiny unfolds,
With hope as my guide, life's purpose I'll find.

Amidst the chaos to face, hope is what I embrace,
A flame that flickers, but never truly dies,
Through darkest nights, its radiance will trace,
A resolute spirit, with wings that forever rise,
Amidst the chaos, hope paints my inner space.


Realm Of Hopes || AnthologyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang