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When life gets tough and things seem grim,
It's important to keep hope within,
The world may seem dull and shades of grey,
But with the right mindset, colors can come out to play.

Red, the color of love and desire,
Sets hearts ablaze with its passionate fire.
Like roses blooming in the summer sun,
It warms our souls and makes life fun.

Orange, a ray of radiant delight,
Bringing joy to every day and night.
Like citrus fruits that burst with zest,
It invigorates us, leaving us truly blessed.

Yellow, like sunshine on a clear blue sky,
Its golden rays bring hope, as time goes by.
Like fields of daffodils and bright canaries,
It fills our lives with warmth and cherries.

Green, the hue of nature's own embrace,
With lush meadows and beauty in each trace.
From emerald forests to mossy trees,
It rejuvenates, putting our minds at ease.

Blue, like the vast oceans that stretch afar,
With mysteries hidden beneath each shooting star.
Like sapphires gleaming in the moon's soft light,
It soothes our souls, calming us through the night.

Indigo, a shade that holds secrets deep,
A midnight sky, where dreams come to sleep.
Like twilight's whispers and shadowed mysteries,
It awakens our imagination with gentle ease.

Violet, the color of dreams and fantasy,
A soft caress, a touch of sweet ecstasy.
Like lavender fields dancing in the breeze,
It inspires us to believe, to strive and to please.

So let's embrace this rainbow of delight,
With its colors bold, shining ever so bright.
For in this world, where shades unite,
We find beauty and love, in every beam of light.

And when doubt creeps in and you want to quit,
Remember the colors of life and don't forfeit,
Hold onto hope, keep pushing through,
And soon enough, rainbow hues will shine anew.

—Queen Sweet Serenity

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