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'What survived may not be kind, but it's me.'

THE END OF the day is always something I look forward to, maybe its something about the cool evening breeze, or the empty streets I walk through to my house after a long day or maybe it was the music I listen to on the way there to filter out all ...

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THE END OF the day is always something I look forward to, maybe its something about the cool evening breeze, or the empty streets I walk through to my house after a long day or maybe it was the music I listen to on the way there to filter out all the noise.

“Je te laisserai des mots.” I sing along as I make my way up to my house, I unlock the door and turn on the lights. I close and lock the door behind me and look around making sure nothing was out of place.

I walk into the kitchen and place a kettle on the stove to make some tea,  turning off my music to make sure I hear when the water is ready.

I climb up to my loft and change into more comfortable clothes, finished I come downstairs and take a seat at the kitchen counter waiting for the water to get ready as I continue to sing the song I was listening to. “Tout pré la place oú tes pieds passent.”

I continue to sing as I listen to the whistle of the kettle, the noise bringing me back to a memory I wish to keep buried. 

I squirm at the loud whistles being blown into my ears at all angles, the high-pitched screech of them ringing in my ears, I try to avoid cringing or backing away which would result in further punishment. I squeeze my eyes shut and silently pray it will be over soon.

I feel a whack on my head from a familiar metal bottle and grunt, squeezing my eyes even further, the part that was whacked throbbing.

“Who said you could close your eyes?” Mathildeher errand girl, taunts me as tears begin to well up in my eyes, my throat getting tight. “I’m sorry.” I feel another whack on my head and let out a groan, the tears falling from my eyes.

“No one said you could speak either.” Victorien laughs as he takes a drag of his cigarette.

“That’s enough you guys, I wanna play with the jouet now.” I hear her chirpy high-pitched voice and shiver, they shove me to the ground as my knees hit the concrete, I whince, it’s probably scratched by now. I try to get up, but I’m kicked down, I feel a foot hovering on my back, and stay still.

“Crawl.” The only word she utters to break me as if I could sink any lower. I curl into a ball and weep, the tears hot, not stopping and my breathing harsh and irregular, all I can hear is the sound of their loud laughter all around me.

I stay as I am and hear footsteps coming towards me, I tuck myself further as if it would protect me, I feel my head being yanked up by my hair and scream, and with that, I receive a slap.

I gasp and stare up at her clean porcelain skin and pristine face, a clear contrast to my darkened bruised one. “I thought I made myself clear. You don’t do as I say, you don’t get out of here.” She smiles and drops my head walking back to her previous spot as I struggle to get on all fours.

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