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"LET'S SEE," I say in a sing-song tone as I skim through the images and information I had gathered over the years.

I pick up all five images as I use my finger to graze over their faces, an image of their smug smiles being swiped off making me smile.

I continue to look over at the pictures as my eyes spot her, Rosalie, an unintentional shiver running down my spine at seeing her wide smile, her eyes crinkling at the sides at how happy she was. "Very soon. You'll never have a reason to smile this wide."

I face her photograph downward as I begin my plan, starting with who I'm going to attack first, and I know just the person and where exactly he's going to be.

I drop all the other photographs and place his photo in my pocket, a little reminder of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.

I go to get ready, making sure to cover my body and wear my gloves. I tie my braids into a bun, applying light makeup, and put on the midnight blue stilettos he loves so much.

I lock the door behind me and make my way to the car, the door being opened for me. "Good morning mademoiselle." I smile at his polite tone and tip my head.

"Good morning Andre, you know where I'm going," I say as I get in and he closes the door after me. "Very well, mademoiselle."

He gets in and starts driving to my destination, the car ride is quiet as always only the silent buzzing of the radio being heard.

The car comes to a halt in front of a grand building. I move to open the door, but someone was already on it, the valet. I gracefully get out of the car as the valet tips his head to me, I return the gesture and gaze up at the tall building towering over me, the name written at the top in bold cursive; Hotel Lutetia.

I walk up to the revolving doors and enter the building, the sharp cold air now left outside. I am graced with the large space of the hotel's lobby, an all-white grand piano in the corner almost taking the beauty away from the whole lobby, making it look shabby in comparison.

The space is furnished with modern-looking furniture, the flooring a mixture of shiny black and white marble, the ceiling adorned with high and low chandeliers arranged in a sequence, beautifully painted artworks hanging from the walls, a variety of potted plants arranged around the large space to give off a bit of color and greenery and then the aura of the rich guests walking around giving an almost suffocating ambiance.

I look around soaking in the surrounding, not surprised by the elegance of the place at the fact that I've been here multiple times. I catch a glimpse of him and watch as he turns, taking in my presence, I turn away pretending I didn't see him.

I walk up to the front desk, my heels clicking on the marble as I walked swaying my hips, a man already waiting to attend to guests there.

"Good day mademoiselle, would you like a room, and if so, how long will you be staying?" He asks, ready to put down my information, I smile and shake my head.

"No, I'm here to see someone, I was told he'd be here by this time."

The receptionist nods and starts going through a book, "Is he a guest here?"
"Something like that." I smile as he nods.

"Okay, and what is his name mademoiselle?"

"Pierre Dumas," I say, the name falling off my lips, my voice sultry. The receptionists' eyes widen at the revelation and as if on cue, I feel a hand on my shoulder, a breath fanning my ear.

"And why might this lovely lady be looking for me?" He asks dressed in a Brioni suit, a shameless grin on his face, I ease out of his touch and inwardly glare at him.

The RetributionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora