Chapter 5 : Meeting

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After the pups had their breakfast, they then went into the elevator and headed on top of the lookout, as Ryder told them to. 

They then saw Ryder sitting on a couch, waiting for them. The pups then went over to Ryder. 

“So what happened?” Ryder asked them. “Why are you pups late today? And Coral, how did you get here?”

Marshall then said: “Actually Ryder, before  we could answer that...we also wanted to look for you as well, because we need you to help remove this from me.” Marshall then opened his left eye. 

Ryder was surprised that he saw a glowing purple eye on Marshall’s left eye. “Woah!! What was that eye?! I never seen a thing like this before.” He gasped. 

“More of a magical eye, Ryder.” Chase corrected. “This eye’s the reason we’re late Ryder, and the reason Coral’s here.” Marshall added.

“We planned to go look for you in the morning Ryder, but we somehow got sent into the North Pole by the eye’s energy portal, then...” Skye said. Chase added: “Then Marshall sent us back here with another portal, but he himself got sent to Puplantis.” 

Marshall continued: “And after that, Coral wanted to hang out with us, and so I brought her here with a portal.” 

Ryder said: “Oh...I see. Welcome here, Coral.” Coral replied: “Thanks, Ryder.” Ryder asked: “But before that, how did you get this eye?” Chase replied: “Well, Marshall got that on the beach last night.” Marshall added: “Yeah, it came down from the sky...and I took it, but instead it went in my eye. The only thing is...” 

Skye continued: “We think that this eye might belong to our space alien friends. And we need your help of calling Captain Turbot over here and contact the space aliens.” Ryder then asked: “Wait, then why didn’t you go look for Captain Turbot instead?” 

“He doesn’t have the aliens’ contact number in his phone, but only you who had it Ryder.” Marshall replied. 

“Oh, I didn’t know that...sorry.” Ryder then called Captain Turbot over to his lookout. 

After ten minutes of waiting, Captain Turbot arrived at the lookout. He then went on top of the lookout by using the elevator. 

“Alright Ryder, pups, I’m here.” Captain Turbot said. “So what can I help you here?” 

“Captain Turbot, we need your help here.” Ryder then walked over to him. Marshall said: “Yeah, we need you to ask the space aliens if this belongs to the space aliens.” He then opened his left eye and showed Captain Turbot the purple eye. 

“Woah, that’s new. It definitely looks like some supernatural eye you’ve got there. But I’m on it.” Captain Turbot replied, as Ryder began dialling the space aliens through his pup pad. 

A few seconds later, the space aliens answered the call, as Captain Turbot began communicating with them. 

He then looked at Marshall and asked: “Marshall, can you show your eye to them?” Marshall nodded as he opened his left eye. The space aliens then looked at his eye, but shook their heads after. 

After that, the call ended. 

“What did they say?” Coral asked Captain Turbot. Captain Turbot just replied: “They said that, this eye...doesn’t belong to them.” Marshall then sighed. “Then where did this eye come from?” He thought. 

“Well, any other problems?” Captain Turbot asked. Ryder replied: “I think that’s all for now, captain. Thanks for your help.” Captain Turbot replied: “No problem Ryder, anytime!” He then left the lookout. 

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