Chapter 7

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It will be more sumbul focused chapter after their alleged breakup in previous chapter. Will bring Fahmaan as well.
Sumbul was crying the whole time driving back home. When she reached home Saniya saw her face, she said she doesn't have the energy to talk and went inside the room locked her door. Maybe coming to her room was a bad idea it was filled with memories of him...
So many gifts and photos of them everywhere. In anger she took out all the photos and put it in the dustbin. She cried herself to sleep.

Next day

Sumbul was woken up by her PA s call regarding her 10 o clock workshop of her webseries.

She took a shower and was determined nothing can falter her spirit not even that asshole. She put her Spotify, ironically the first song was ' heer toh baadi sad' irritated she pressed next and came 'kabhi kabhi aditi'. She stopped the music.And thinking what sorcery was the universe playing at with her.

At first she took out her comfort cloths a plain white shirt and jeans. She was like no I will dress to kill and make that loser ten times in agony and jealous than he already is. She was trying to remember what colour did he her costar complemented her during shooting ' was it red, purple some bright colour no oh wait it was baby blue! Got it'

' where is that sexy little number I wore before ah got it'
It was a backless cute little baby frock kinda dress.

She deliberately called her co-star and asked him for lift since he was nice guy he agreed to this. She knew the paps will make a big fuss of them coming in the same car. With her revenge plan in motion, she was ready for the kill.

After a while Umar (co-star) came to pick her up and said ' you look cute today! What's the occasion madam'

Sumbul simply replied
'Gee, thanks! Omg see we are matching today!'

(Ps - I just like the name. I think during BB she mentioned if she had to date someone from BB it would have been him it was the  when whole shatina fiasco was going on.
So yeah)

They reached their destination for their workshop. Paparazzi was present, Umar was clearly annoyed.

Sumbul innocently said - ' what to do! Let's just pose and they will leave no! If they ask anything we can just ignore' 

Umar nodded in affirmation.

When they got out they posed together and went inside. As if the photos weren't enough.

Sumbul went to post stories of them in the mockshot in romatic poses on her SM. After they were done Umar dropped her home, when she came back all the pretense, makeup and clothes nothing was making her happy. All she wanted was HIM. Why could not stop thinking about him? She groans and thinks enough of mopping.

Maybe it's time I take the holiday I keep dreading.

With that she dialled Ulka and they make a plan to go to Ooty.

Fahmaans House

Coming back from BB promo shoot, it was noon. He was dead tired and could fall asleep anytime. Finally took his phone thinking of texting her when he opened his Instagram it's flooded with pictures of her with that stupid guy's face all happy and posing. Arghh he was beyond annoyed.
Why was she playing such a dangerous game! He kept thinking. Then does he have any right to get mad at her. He still didn't have answers to her questions. Again the her deeply sad face from last night - where all he wanted was to hold her and stop those tears - everytime he thinks of that picture why does it hurt so much?

He was like maybe I should sleep and forgot as much as I can. When fahmaan woke up it was already evening he didn't even lunch but he didn't feel hungry. So strange he thought.
Having to recover from his previous shock of opening Instagram. He avoided that app. And He went to twitter and saw her post about travelling.

She made a poll who she's going with. This angered him on another level.
Okay now Fahmaan had enough of this childish games. If she travels with jerk face of a costar for holidaying he will personally go and break his face. Holidaying with his baby girl. No way, he thinks.

He dials her number a few times . She doesn't pick up.
Frustrated he leaves her a text who are going with? If its the guy from news? You have no idea what I AM CAPABLE OF DOING. THIS IS NOT A JOKE.

Sumbul knew she will get the desired reaction from HIM after she put up that poll. After a few hours when she got his text she was over the moon and was literally dancing with Saniya. Saniya was glad her appi was back to normal.

Sumbul was hell bent on making him phine for her. So with her bitch face on she texted him back
S - are you ready to give me answers for yesterday night?

F - Are you going with him?

S - Answer me first. Then I shall think of replying to your question then.

F - YES or NO?

Suddenly sumbul saw the time realized it was almost dinner time and knowing Fahmaan doesn't eat if he's upset. She couldn't help but texts back

S- have you eaten anything?

And immediately regrets. Why am I so gullible? Sumbul frowns!

Her concern text brings a smile on his face.  She still cares about me. And I was thinking she would go on a holiday with that guy. Happily orders food for dinner.

F - I got my answer. I will eat soon. Don't worry :)

Sumbul is highly dissppointed with herself. And thinks why am I like this? Why can't I stay mad at him? Even though that jerk hurted me so bad. Arghhhhh

Suddenly an idea strikes her head which she will accomplish in Ooty. And with that grin she starts packing her clothing for her trip and video calls Ulka.

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