xiii - two parts to one whole

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"I really wish Master Plo were here," Anakin says as Yoda and Mace lead a group of the Order's best to the Senate building, their determination burning like stars in their eyes

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"I really wish Master Plo were here," Anakin says as Yoda and Mace lead a group of the Order's best to the Senate building, their determination burning like stars in their eyes. "He'd help us get out with minimal casualties."

Mace nods, agreeing, "I am  aware, but we need to capitalize on this opportunity right now," Anakin's eyes sweep over the gunship's interior, finding solace in the familiar faces of Obi-Wan, Saesee Tinn, and Yoda himself.

A silent acknowledgment passes between them; not everyone is coming back. And he clings to the hope that they all will.

Anakin looks to Mace with a concerned look on his face. The pain etched on Mace's face speaks volumes, a testament to his resilience and the exchange that the two of them went through the night before.

Anakin's lips tighten with determination, fully aware of the sacrifices that have brought them to this one moment.

"May the Force be with us," he says, his voice reverberating with an almost fervent resolve as the gunship touches down, its engines fading into the roar of battle that surrounds them. The masters explode from the vessel like comets, sprinting toward the heart of the storm.

As they burst into the corridor leading towards Palpatine's office, Evelyn's expression mirrors that of determination and fear.

Her presence strikes Anakin like a lightning bolt, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He rushes to her side, his heart hammering in his chest, a silent promise of protection that overpowers any words that he can share with her.

"He knows," she reveals, and the shock that ripples through the assembled Jedi is as tangible as the air they breathe.

The Jedi look at each other, shock spread across  their faces, "As expected," Anakin says, turning to Obi Wan, sharing a final nod with his master that carries a universe of unspoken sentiments. Together, they stride into the maw of darkness, the weight of their duty hanging heavily in the air.

In the tumultuous symphony of their thoughts, the bond between Anakin and Evelyn pulses with an intimacy known only to them. His love for her echoes through the Force, a whisper of devotion that only they can hear.

And as she draws her lightsaber, her actions are a dance of determination that matches the rhythm of their imminent struggle.


The  Jedi rush through the doors, "You fools," Sidious growls, "You really  think I'm a fool not to have a backup plan?" He spits, disgusted at the  Jedi in front of him. From the corners of the office, Dooku and a clone of Anakin Skywalker emerge from the darkness, hatred written all over their faces,  "You really think-"

Palpatine is cut off by Anakin, who barely lifts a finger, throwing him through a wall before Yoda and Mace spring  into action against the Sith Lord.

Anakin and Evelyn take on Dooku while Saesee and Obi Wan lunge towards Vader, determined to end this, once and for all.

the path to unseen serenityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن