Chapter 4

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"Even my father was terrified by that sound. We stop sleeping on the patio," I said.

"But maybe it was an illusion. You told me that there were clouds. Maybe a chance that you have mistaken a girl for a witch." he said while he lit a cigarette and passed it to me. It means that he was seriously listening to me. It was his old habit that whenever he was serious about something, he lit a cigarette. So it was a green signal to me that things were going well.

"But that was not the only incident that terrified our village. There were a series of incidents that happened that summer. But one thing is common in all, that all victims were men."

"Okay, if we believe that she was an anklet witch. Then how did your village get rid of it?" 

he said while putting the ash into the glass. 

I frowned at him to put the ash into the glass. 

"We went to the temple, the pundit did some prays and he gave all of us enchanted barks of nim tree. We hang it on the walls and she leaves our village."

"So you mean that now we hang nim on our window" Vijay chuckled.

"I don't mean that, but there was a myth that if a woman dies during the first night of the wedding, she became a monster. Her feet turned behind. Her hair became so long that she can grab you with them. She roams in the night in search of men, and she seduced them with the beautiful sound of anklet. When a man attracts to her beauty, she killed him."

"Okay, tonight we will film her," he said and put the airpods in his ears. It means he made a decision.

So it was all in vain if I tried to convince him further. it was all in vain. 

I went outside to meet a friend.

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