-39 || wonwoo-

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Wonwoo was finally starting to relax. He began to feel almost weightless. He'd bottled up so much, now there was a sort of freedom throughout his day he didn't realize he needed.

But how long is this going to last?

No, he couldn't think like that.

Jihoon linked his arm through Wonwoo's, breaking him from his thoughts. "So what should we do first?" the shorter of the two asked.

Mingyu and Seungcheol were supposed to be meeting them at the food booths in twenty minutes. All of their other friends were busy with their own soulmates which left the two to their own devices.

"I don't care," Wonwoo replied. Being in a crowded school field for a fair also held by the school after revealing his relationship with Mingyu meant he was purposely putting himself in gossip's way. Go figure.

But Mingyu wanted him to come today. Saying no to him was getting harder and harder by the hour.

"I think we should hit the kissing booth first then," Jihoon said.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever," Wonwoo said, not paying any attention whatsoever.

Jihoon stops walking which jerks Wonwoo to a halt too.

"What?" the younger said.

"You aren't listening. Get out of your head. We're here to have fun, so stop worrying about what people think." He began moving again, dragging Wonwoo along with him. "Besides, we're gonna go down as legends."

"Legends?" Wonwoo said, taking Jihoon's advice and actually making an effort to listen to his friend.

"Yeah. My story: a secret relationship for years with the heir of a very powerful company. Your story: a guy who happens to be wanted by the world just so happens to like you enough to just go up and kiss you. Then, bam, you two are meant to be. So yeah, legends."

The other rolled his eyes and cracked a smile. "I think you misunderstand the definition of 'legend'."

Jihoon shrugged. "My original point still stands. If people talk, let them talk. What's important is you know the truth."

"Yesterday, someone said I was just some robot created to stop people from taking an interest in Mingyu."

"God, people are actually insane," Jihoon laughed. Wonwoo joined him.

They walked past a couple of booths then decided they were going to wait for their boyfriends at the parking lot. They got a pretzel and split it as they sat on the curb.

"Okay, so, funny story," Jihoon said around his pretzel, "remember those few weeks when I flirted with you almost nonstop and kept pressuring you about who you liked."

Wonwoo nodded slowly. They were halfway through their first year of middle school. They'd been friends for years, then out of nowhere Jihoon had started acting unlike himself, consistently complimenting Wonwoo and being more clingy than usual. It kind of freaked Wonwoo out. A couple months later, the accident happened.

"I thought we were soulmates," Jihoon continued. "I was trying to get you to like me, so you'd kiss me without having to ask you for a kiss."

Wonwoo didn't know how he was supposed to feel about this. "You were scaring me away, is what you were doing," he said.

"No, but here's the real funny part." A dramatic pause as Jihoon swallowed his bite. "I thought we were soulmates for years."

"Are you saying you had feelings for me?" Why is he bringing this up? Wonwoo wondered.

"Surprisingly, no, I didn't. Yeah, you've always been hot as hell, and I liked you a lot as a person, but I didn't feel romantically for you at all. We were close though, you know? I had a connection with you that I've never had with anyone else before."

Wonwoo was about to voice his thoughts when the rev of a motorcycle turned their attention away from each other. Seungcheol was driving and Mingyu held on to him from behind. The sight brought a negative feeling to the pit of Wonwoo's stomach. It was the same jealousy he'd felt when he'd picked Mingyu up from that first party. He knew it was irrational.

Mingyu likes me, he thought. Seungcheol loves Jihoon.

Wonwoo hated himself for the feeling. It meant that he was one step closer to being like his father. There is no way in hell that was going to happen. He shoved the feeling down deep. Composing himself, he stood up with Jihoon and met the two halfway.

Jihoon and Seungcheol linked hands and greeted each other with a kiss. Wonwoo wasn't sure if he should do the same with Mingyu.

"We'll see you guys later," Jihoon said.

"How was the meeting?" Wonwoo asked, linking his hand through Mingyu's. He could at least do that much. The act still sent a shock through his body. He'd grown to love the feeling.

"Bearable," Mingyu answered. "I still don't really understand what the meeting was about though."

"You'll make a great CEO one day," Wonwoo said, mostly sarcastic. Mingyu had told him about how Chairman Kim wasn't going to immediately put the company on Mingyu's shoulders as soon as he graduated. In return, Mingyu would take a modeling job. Mingyu had also given Wonwoo the little card that invited Wonwoo to stop by anytime or call to "schedule a meeting." It made it sound like some sort of interview.

Mingyu bumped his shoulder. "I was thinking about you."

Wonwoo's cheeks reddened. It was so easy for the other to say something like that. He couldn't possibly imagine himself saying something similar.

"Hm, maybe I should give you some space then so you can focus," he said teasingly as he let go of Mingyu's hand.

"You're cruel," the younger said, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout.

Wonwoo chuckled and grabbed Mingyu's hand again. "Come on. Let's go explore."

"Actually, there's a specific booth I want to stop by first."

They wandered the field until the came upon the booth Mingyu was looking for. Reading the sign, Wonwoo noticed that this is the craft booth. The craft club is making beaded string bracelets for two bucks each.

Mingyu stepped forward, and without saying a word, began sorting through the beads. He grabbed six and without showing them to Wonwoo, passed them to the girl sitting behind the table. He quietly told her how he wanted them.

"What are you doing?" Wonwoo asked, although he already had a hunch.

Mingyu reached into his pocket to pay for the two bracelets, the girl was currently making. Wonwoo still couldn't see what the beads said.

Giving the money to the girl, she passed the bracelets over. She looked like she wanted to say something, but as soon as she looked at Wonwoo, the words died on her lips.

They stepped away from the booth, and as they were walking, Mingyu set the two bracelets in the palm of his hand and showed them to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo's heart fluttered. "I feel like this is the cheesiest thing you've done so far."

"Maybe. I just thought we could be there for each other even if we aren't anywhere near each other." Mingyu took one of the bracelets and tied it around Wonwoo's wrist. "Think of this bracelet as a piece of me."

Wonwoo took the other and tied it around Mingyu's wrist. "And this one is a piece of me?"

"Exactly." The younger male grinned.

Wonwoo's bracelet: mg♥️

Mingyu's bracelet: ww♥️


a/n: ah, the things I would do for a cheesy relationship 🥲

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