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Hunter and Willow were cuddling together it has been a month since that movie talk day. "Your very pretty." Hunter said while nuzzling into her neck. "...Hey Hunter do you mind..i-if... uhm." Hunter's cheeks turned warm. "R-right now?" "N-no! I mean... like.. tonight?" "O..oh..uhmm.. where did.." "Maybe my house? My dads will be out on a date for the night.. so... maybe then?" "S-sure! I mean.. do we even have the stuff? Like protection?" "O-oh! I have uh some in my drawers." "Why?" Willow turned red "i..I uh prepared just in case..." Hunter kissed her cheek and grinned "Uh huh~" Hunter looked down at his scroll and saw Darius said it is time for dinner. "Oh dinner is ready." "Oh okay!" They both got up and walked down stairs. "Hello you two dinner is on the table. I am going out." "For what?" "Small..thing.." "a date?" Hunter said confused while sitting down at the table. "Guess so.." "oh okay." Willow said softly before sitting down. They put the hands together and waited for a bit then started eating. "Bye~ have fun don't do anything I would NEVER allow!" "Uh.. okay." "Got it!" Darius left and Hunter and Willow were eating.

"So.. uh.." "You have any experience?" "Haha... no I was closed off when I was the golden guard." "O-oh.." "do you?" "Well.. with myself y-yeah.. not with another person.." "oh... O-OH!" "Haha..." Hunter and Willow washed their plates and Willow called her dads saying she would be getting home soon. "Oh! Okay! Me and your Dad will be on a date and staying at a hotel for the night if that's okay." "Of course is okay!" "Love you my Sunflower." "Love you dad!" She hung up and Hunter and Willow were heading to the house. "Haha... this is a bit awkward isn't it?" "A bit...hehe..." Hunter said while holding her hand. Willow was nervous, like so nervous her hands were sweating "Willow are you okay? Your hands are sweating." "Just..nervous.." "M-Me to.." they got to the house and headed inside with the key Willow had.

"Ah... your place always smelt nice." "Haha thanks! Mostly the flowers I grow are making the place smell nice." "So.." Hunter then hugged her from behind. "What did you want to start with?" "...I don't know.." Willow looked at him and she picked him up by his legs. "Okay! Let's go upstairs." Hunter blushed a bit his ears turning a small red.

They got upstairs to her room. They sat there awkwardly, Willow then went on her phone searching up something. "What are you doing...?" "O-Oh! Nothing just using the Wikihow." "For...?" "Nothing it doesn't matter..." she looked at her scroll and slowly turned it off and grabbed his cheeks. "Do.. you want to start with kissing?" Hunter turned a bright red. "U-Uhm.. s-sure.." she slowly kissed him. He slowly kissed her back.

"Damm I should leave shouldn't I Bailey? You as well of course." "Sure!  But what are they doing?" "Oh...uhhhhhhh let's just go!" Clover and Bailey quickly left and Cloved picked up Bailey and flew up. Bailey locked the door and they left to go play.

They looked at each other. Hunter nuzzled into her neck and kissed it. She started freaking out on the inside. He looked at her softly. "Is it okay if I kiss you?" "O-of course!" He kissed her cheek and collar bone. He looked at her his ears turning a bright red. She nodded, he slowly put his hands on her breast. "..are you sure this is okay?" "Mhm.. do.. you want me to help?" He blushed and nodded.

She took his hands and made them go up her flower shirt. His face got a deeper red it could even be compared to Amity. She looked at him and kissed his nose. "You want me to go any further?" She asked politely "I have never done this before...uhmm... yeah, yes I would like to continue.." She blushed and let him do the rest. He took off her shirt and she had a sports bra on.


Hunter looked at her sports bra but then quickly looked away. "It-it's okay! I.. I don't mind.." he looked back. "Can I take it off?" He said softly while looking at her eyes. "..sure!" Willow said excited, she didn't know why she was so excited but she was. Hunter slowly went to the edge of the bra and slowly lifted it. He took it off and folded it. "Y-you don't have to do that." "O-oh.." she covered herself with her arms. Hunter looked back at her and hugged her nuzzling into her neck. She was so embarrassed, her bare breast were touching him while he was just kissing her neck. "...Well what else?" "...mind taking off your shirt too...?" Willow said while blushing and covering her face with one hand.

He agreed and took off his shirt easily. His chest covered in scars.. mostly is collar was covered in scars and the stomach was. Hunter felt nervous mostly because no one has seen the scars on his chest. "Hunter.." "Y-Yeah?" " look nice.." "you do to." She kissed him softly. She got on his lap not letting the kiss go. Hunter grabbed onto her thighs and gripped onto them. They took a breather and she cupped his cheek. "Can I do something...?" "S-Sure.." She got up and took off her pants showing her undergarments. Willow was a beet red, Hunter was as well,

She was basically nude. He still had his pants on. "U-uh.. anything else?" "O-oh! Uh.." she thought of something and grinned big. "Why are you smirking?" Hunter said confused, she walked over and pushed him onto the pillow of the bed. She got on top of him "W-Well i..I uhmm.." Hunter was blushing furiously Willow looked at him and say on his stomach. "What do you want me to do?" Willow was freaking out on the inside but on the outside she was more confident in herself. " can choose.." "You sure~?" "Mhm.." Hunter just lied there waiting for something to happen. He closed his eyes and felt her warm hands on cheek. Before he could open his eyes Willow kissed him smashing her tongue into his mouth.

YAYY PART TWO SOONNN~ also pls so tell me if I should add anything bro I suck at writing smut... forgive me lord pls

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