:O requested by someone.

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This was requested a while ago by OSMEONE WHO WON'T BE NAMED HAHA

Is huntlow kind of smut? Is funny and cringe ehe.


Hunter was with Willow in her room, sharing a few kisses. "Love you~" "Ehehe~ no~ I love you more~" Hunter said kissing her neck gently.

She giggled and kissed his nose, she gets on his lap and kisses him. "Titan I love you~" he said into the kiss. Willow moved her hands from his shoulders, to his chest, to his hands. She held them and stared at him Willow made Hunter fall making the bed creak a bit. She continued sharing soft short kisses, from his lips to his neck. She sucked a bit on his neck.

She left a few hickeys for her to stare at she felt Hunter's hand on her back slowly trying to move her shirt, "All you have to say is you want my shirt off," she said making Hunter's ears blush.

She got up and took off her shirt leaving her sports bra to be exposed, Hunter got up and went on her lap he pulled her back into a kiss. She swiftly took off his jacket and then his shirt. She put her hand on his chest to his stomach, he used to be a bit thin because of Belo's punishments such as not letting him eat for days. But ever since he lived with Darius he got a bit chubby, she loved his cute stomach. She was happy he finally got the stuff he needed and deserved.

Hunter grabbed her waist and stuffed his face into her breast "Willow the pillow~" he said muffled. Willoe giggled "Willow the pillow?" "Mhm!" She snorted.

Hunter slowly put his hands lower, Willow turned a bright red as she felt him pull her underwear down a slight. He put his hands through the side of it he gripped onto her butt and smiled.

She squealed a bit, he kissed her nose gently and smiled. "Love you~" "Eheh~ love you to~" she whispered back. He kissed her letting her into his mouth, swiftly moving their tongues in one another.

Once they separated, they heard a knock on the door. "May I c-" Gilbert opened the door and instantly shut it. "Sorry! Sorry! I will lock the door for you!" "Dad!" She said blushing quickly hiding her face in Hunter's chest. Hunter can't help but giggle a bit of course he was red faced and worried how he was going to explain to Harvey and Gilbert. They would probably tell Darius too so he should worry about that.

"Don't forget the protection spell!" "We won't Mr. Park! Thanks for the re-" "Hunter!" She put a pillow on his face.

Willow then heard the door lock. "Dad!! Please just go!" They then heard steps fading away. Willow groaned, "This is so embarrassing..." her face was cherry red.

Hunter kissed her cheek, moving his hands all around her thighs. "You are adorable when you are red faced!" He said with a hint of excitement. Willow kissed his nose, "I swear if anyone is behind that door I'm gonna freak." Hunter chuckled a bit and kissed her neck and he nuzzled into it.

"That was surprising though." "Eh.. I won't say I told you so but..." Willow stared at him as he said that, "I told you so~" "oh shut up Dork," Hunter laughed a bit. Willow than kissed his nose "You are adorkable." "Adorkable?" "Your a dork but you are SO adorable!" He scoffed playfully and started kissing her face and neck.

Gilbert was downstairs he forgot about them wanting more quality time to themselves he then heard his scroll ring so he picked up it... was Hunter's dad ughhh....

"Hi, this is Darius how is Hunter?" Darius asked while making food "i..uh.. well.. uhm.." "did he hurt himself?" "No... but uh... Willow and uh him are well spending quality time together and I kind of walked in so..." "Qual- wait. What." Darius stopped cooking he didn't not AT ALL think Hunter his own SON would ever do those type of things with well Willow. He then sighed they are teenagers is pretty normal.. "Huh... does your daughter know the protection spell?" "Yup, we made sure a long while ago she did." "Good good."

It got awkward so they hung up, Harvey was going to get home soon. Hopefully Hunter could explain himself.


Hope you enjoyed! Not really smut but it was implied lmao.

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