chapter 3

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Jack woke up to something poking him, when he opened his eyes he found a monkey and a lion cub with her. "Morning sweetie umm why are you all alone here?" Jack hesitated for a second "well I ran away because my father would get mad over little stuff that me and my sister do and I just had a thought of running away" the mother monkey wasn't surprised about the story. "Ok how about this you live with me and this cub right beside me" Jack saw this white lion cub and he nodded and went with them. With Jack's family when they woke up they were in a panic. "WHERE THE HELL IS JACK!!!"Jake yelled. "I-I don't know...Mya do you know where Jack is?" Mya looked at her mother and father. "Well he said that he was getting fresh air and said that he would sleep next to when he was done then he said that I-I should since it was my big day..." The parents were shocked and started to cry so did Mya. Back where Jack was he was having fun with his friend, his name was Mason and he was very nice to Jack. "Hey Mason what happened to to you when you ran away?" Mason smiled and said "well actually I didn't ran away but I was forced to run away because animals thought I killed my mother and father and my uncle sent me away from my home but I love it here and I know that my parents are in a better place!" Jack felt back but seeing the look on his face Jack just smiled at him and Mason did to.

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