chapter 8

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Jack smelled something berning and he woke up wide eye to see that the forest was on fire. "How the hell did this happen?!" Jack said. "I don't know Jack!!" Mason said to Jack. "We all woke up to this!?" Ash said. "..." They knew they had to get out of there. "Ok come on we have to get out of here!!" Jack said. "Right!" Mason and Ash said. They all got out of the den and ran as fast as they can to get out of the fire. When the were about to get of the fire a branch broke off a tree and Landed on the ground. "Crap!" Mason said. "Is there anywhere else?!" Ash asked. "...oh!" Jack said. "There is! Come on follow me!" They followed Jack and they were out of the forest. "Ok can someone tell me how the heck that there was a fire?" Jack asked. "Well maybe because of the storm.." Ash said in a soft tone. "Ok...then we are have to find a new home.." Mason and Ash nodded and all of them went off to find a new home. After a Couple of hours they saw Jack's old home. "Fuck" Ash turned to Jack. "What is it?" Jack gave a angry growl. "That's my home that I used to live", "o-oh" they just kept on walking until they heard a grown lions voice. "Jack!" Jack ignored and kept walking. "Jack pls! Let me talk to you!" Jack turned around looking pissed off. "What the fuck do you want old man!" Jake walked up to him. "Jack...", "What?" Jack interrupt him. "Can you pls come home? Mya and Lila miss you..." Jack started to laugh. "You think I don't know that?! Your the reason why I ran away!!!" Jack yelled. "I-I know but come home for them not for me...pls?", "Come on Jack we lost our home and we need a place to stay.." Mason said. Jack gave a growl at his father. "Fine old man but if you come over to me or my friends we are going to have a little chat and you what that is.. understood?", "Yes Jack if it makes you come home then I'll do it.." Jack nodded and they followed his father and his friends also followed. When they got to Jack's old home and saw Mya and his stepmom Lila. "Hey girls look who's home", "oh pls after I find a home I'm leaving again don't forget that old man!" Jack snapped back but went over to Mya. "Hi Mya how are you doing?" Jack asked. "Fine and I'm glad you're back!" Jack gave her a small smile. "Ya but just temporary" Mya looked confused. "Why aren't you staying?" Jack shook his head. "No once I find a place I'm leaving but I'll try to come visit you guys.." Mya was sad but understood. "Ok guys dinners ready!" Lila said and Jack got his food and sat in a corner and after a few minutes he saw his father sitting by himself. Jack was going to regret this but went over to his father and sat down beside him. "J-Jack-", "shut up old man and eat" Jack said and his father gave him a small smile and continued eating. It was getting dark and they went to sleep except for Jack and Jake. "Hey old go to sleep" Jack said to him as he walked over to him. "What about you?" Jack rolled his eyes. "I go to sleep after everyone else does" Jake looked at him and pulled Jack closer to him. "Old man! What did I say!" Jack whispered yelled. "I know and I don't care..I just want you by my side.." Jack was shocked to his father's tone of voice. "F-Fine just this once and never speck of it got it?" Jack's father nodded and they both fell asleep next to each other.

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