Chapter 20 : First snowfall

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December came with its chilly weather. It was the 4th day of the month. The weather was gloomy since morning. Chan was decided to work from home that day. He was working in his room the whole day. Whereas Haein passed the day by herself at home since her school was closed.

In the afternoon, when Haein went to the living room, she noticed something outside the window. She quickly rushed to the window to confirm if what she had seen was true or not. And it was. It was snowing. Haein couldn't help but smile at the scene. Haein loved snow. She hated winters but snow was fun to play with. She quickly ran to Chan's room to tell him about the snowfall.

"Chris!" Haein stopped at his room's doorframe, waiting for his permission to enter.

"What is it?" Chan, who was working on his table, turned his head towards her.

"Chris, it's snowing!" She said with excitement.

"It is?" Chan removed the curtains a little to see outside. "It is!"

"So I was wondering whether we could go outside for a walk... it is the first snowfall of the year," Haein said with a little nervousness.

"Sure, we can. I still have some work to finish and then we can go. Just give me an hour or two. And by then, there will be a lot of snow outside too," Chan gave her his loving eye smile.

Haein also smiled seeing him and nodded rapidly, "Okay."

By the evening, Chan was done working. Chan and Haein started getting ready to go out. Chan wore a thick padded black jacket on, with a black muffler, gloves, a beanie and boots. "Zip up your jacket or else you'll get cold," Chan said as they were in the living room putting on their jackets.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Haein replied as she zipped her jacket up. Haein was wearing a white jacket with a cream colored muffler, gloves and black boots.

After they were done, they exited their apartment and the building. "Woah..." Haein was at awe seeing all the snow outside. It had snowed a lot during the past few hours. Though it was night time, it was very bright outside due to the street lights. Haein and Chan walked on the footpath looking at their surroundings. There weren't many people on the streets. They soon reached a park nearby. They noticed a few children playing in the snow. Chan stopped seeing them, making Haein stop too.

"I loved playing in snow as a kid," Chan spoke with a smile. "Back in Australia, I used to play with my siblings all the time. My dad used to teach me snowboarding," nostalgia washed over Chan as he remembered the days he spent with his family. Haein listened to his words attentively and watched him without saying a word. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Chan said as he looked at the snow on the ground.

"Yeah! It's been long since I built one," Haein replied. They sat down on the ground and started piling up snow.

As they did Haein heard Chan sing in a low baby voice, "Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play." Seeing him act all like a child made her smile. For that moment, she felt like they had no age gap one between them. As if they were both two 5 year olds playing. They started shaping the snowman. Once they were done, Haein picked up some small stones to make its eyes and mouth, also buttons.

"I'll go bring some sticks to make its hands," Chan said as he got up. Chan left to get some sticks as Haein continued to finish the snowman. Chan found some sticks nearby from a dried up bush and came back with them.

"I'm back- are you eating snow?" Chan asked as he looked at Haein with a confused face. Haein looked at him like a deer caught infront of headlights. "Why are you eating snow? Don't eat snow from the ground!"

"I was just curious about how the first snow tasted!" Haein spoke with her mouth still full of snow.

"Put it down," Chan commanded by pointing his index finger. Haein obeyed to him and put the snow down. Chan laughed finding her behavior rather amusing. He sat down beside her and put the sticks on the snowman as its arms. "There, it's done," Chan said with a satisfied smile. They both stood up.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now