Chapter 23 : After party

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The ride back home was long. Haein had fallen asleep in the car. Chan stopped the car in the parking lot. He looked over at Haein who was still fast asleep. He looked at his watch again. It was 3 am already. He was about to keep his hand on her shoulder to wake her up but stopped thinking she was in need of rest. Chan unbuckled his seat belt first and hers afterwards.

Getting out of the car, he went to her side and opened the door. He picked her up in his arms and carried her outside the car. Locking the car, he carried her home. Reaching Haein's room he laid her down on her bed. Just as he was about to retreat his hands from her, Haein moved in her sleep. He froze in his place immediately not wanting to wake her up. Haein slowly opened her eyes a little. Seeing Chan above her, she yelped immediately rolling away on the bed a foot away from him. Chan also stood up straight being slightly embarrassed and afraid that he made her uncomfortable.

"Chris, what are you doing here?" Haein asked still lying on the bed using her forearms to hold her upper body up. She noticed her surroundings and asked again, "How did I get here?"

"I-I'm sorry. You fell asleep in the car. So I carried you home. I didn't wanna wake you up cause you looked tired..." he hesitantly answered.

"Oh... thanks for bringing me home then," Haein sat up straight on the bed and smiled. Chan's fear of making her uncomfortable vanished and he was put at ease.

"You're welcome." Silence emerged between them. Both of them awkwardly thought about what they should say next. "So... I'll go to my room," Chan finally said pointing his thumb towards his room. He turned around on his heels but was stopped by Haein's voice.

"Chris," Haein called him and stood up behind him.

"Yeah?" Chan turned around again.

"I just wanted to say... Thank you. For not just what you did today but also for listening to me when I told you to not get your hands dirty. You got JYP to deal with it instead and he handled it well."

"Don't mention it. I'll never let anyone disrespect my loved ones. I was going to deal with Mr. & Mrs. Shin myself but I got JYP to do it instead for your sake. Anyways, you should change and go to sleep. Don't go to sleep with the make up on," Chan advised. Then he was on his way towards the door again.

Haein stood up from her bed and immediately wined in pain. She fell back on the bed holding her leg.

"What happened?" Chan's head snapped back in a millisecond. When he saw her pained expression, he quickly walked over to her and sat down on his knees infront of her.

"My feet... I think they're sore because of the heels..."

"Inah... you should've told me before. You shouldn't wear heels for so long if you're not used to it. I could've gotten you some flats," Chan said and started taking off her shoes.

"Chris, you don't have to-" Haein's words were caught in her throat when Chan looked her straight in the eyes. She understood arguing with him now would be useless. Taking off both her shoes, Chan noticed reddish marks left by the straps on her feet along with some bruises.

"God, look at your feet. I'm never letting you wear these again," he kept speaking as he massaged her sore feet. But Haein's mind was somewhere else. She kept staring at him without blinking. The moment felt very surreal. She never thought she could feel such care from anyone. No one had ever warmed up her heart like him before. His presence only began to give her pure bliss. A snap infront of her face pulled her out of her trance.

"Where were you lost? What were you thinking?"


"I was saying, you could've just asked me to get you some flats if you were uncomfortable," Chan repeated his words emphasizing on every word to make sure she listened.

Haein lightly chuckled and said like a philosopher, "Beauty is pain, Chris. Not my fault all 4th gen idols are too tall. No one would've probably seen me without the heels. Soobin was literally about to squash you under his feet. You need these more than I do."

Chan side eyed her. "Hey, hey, hey! I'm fun sized, okay?" Height was a sensitive topic for Stray kids indeed. "Besides, you don't need to go out of your way to fit into the beauty standards. Your height is just fine."

Haein's feet slowly started feeling better and she could move them properly again. "I think I'm good now."

Chan slowly put her feet down and stood up. "Good then. You should change and go to sleep. Careful with the accessories though. We need to give them back to noona otherwise she'll go nuts," he rolled his eyes playfully making Haein lightly chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you don't lose your job because of some accessories," Haein remarked.

"Then goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite," Chan said lastly before closing the door of her room.

Despite Chan leaving the room, Haein still felt the warmth of his presence. It was one heck of a night but she now enjoyed how it had turned out. It was only the beginning of the year yet she she felt ecstatic about it. She looked forward to spending more time with Chan in the future. Every second she spent with him, left her craving for more. That night, Haein went to sleep with a content heart. She dreamt of something sweet related to Chan. But when the next day she woke up, she didn't remember what it was. All she could feel was a positive feeling lingering in her heart due to it.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora