Chapter 5: Context

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Could I trust the three with a secret that could probably get me killed?

Despite the fact that they know that, the caretakers probably need to stay in a mental health hospital more than we do, I can't tell them I got a letter.

One tried to kill me and the other two I met just a day ago. From what I know they could be part of this scheme.
Oh, how cheerful my imagination is.

I headed towards the cafeteria with Aren by my side.
I'm pretty sure that some of us may actually be normal. Maybe we were misdiagnosed, cause I'm pretty sure the rest are psychotic.

I ate my potato and vegetables without complaints. My mind was set on the thought of the note. 'Maybe I'm not the only one who got a letter, Maybe they got one too.' I thought.

I chose not to ask, just to be safe.

I stood behind Aren and Kerestel evidently, but hey seemed not to notice.
I listened in to their conversation, forgetting that eavesdropping was not the best idea.

"Ker, did you get a letter as well?" Aren asked softly, but loud enough for me to hear.
"I did. Do you think the others did as well?" Kerestel replied.

I looked up hoping not to find a camera, but nonetheless I did.
I kept them in my grip and pinned them onto a wall away from the cameras.

"I did as well."

"The hell was that about?" Aren complained. I gestured to the camera as Kerestel nodded.

"Great job, we were talking about this infront of a security camera!" Aren remarked.

"Stop acting like a child." Kerestel retorted.

"I'm nineteen!" Aren shrieked.

"Not at heart."

"Focus!" I snapped, their eyes fell on me.
They sure did take my words to heart since they were staring directly at me.

"Do you think Nari knows?" Kerestel asked, turning his back to me looking out for either Nari or cameras.

Only now did I notice that his hair was black.

"She seemed sketchy this morning." Aren said.
"Should we consult her?" Aren asked.

"She tried to murder us." Kerestel said, putting emphasis on the word murder.

Nari rushed up to us. "I got the letter too."

"Sorry, I just had to know if you got one too." She explained.

While walking down the hall we heard screaming then sudden running. We instantly flee the scene.

We were not fast enough.

The screaming woman went after us.
Aren swore very loudly and picked up his pace.
We tailed behind the blond man, taking turns and passing through places that I didn't know existed.

Soon enough the woman tackled me to the ground.

"I know what you plan to do." The woman said repeatedly until the guards came.

She knew that we were going to escape didn't she?

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