Chapter 7: Plan 1

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I did my usual routine:
I ate the almost tasteless potato; I went to the activity room (to avoid suspicion); I lounged and discussed with the three sane morons that I've been stuck with for about a week.

I took a bit of paper from the art center of the activity room. Surprisingly there weren't any pencils, I later figured that those could be used as weapons.

"Where the hell are the pencils?" Aren asked. Everyone disregarded his remarks as we tried tearing the paper to create the map of the mental hospital.

We'd often stroll around the halls just to find out where the guards were located. Two guards here- three guards there- and only one at a specific door. The most guards that we found were 6, they were guarding one door.

My curiosity bubbled inside of me, but of course I had to pop those bubbles for my own safety.

We hadn't seen Zephyr since she tried to poison me. I'm pretty sure that was for the greater good.

"Nari, do the map. Aren, figure out where the exits are located. Kerestel, figure out how many guards guard the exits. I'll figure out the guard's schedule." I said, assigning the tasks needed.

Everyone nodded in response.
The silence- awkward.
The tension- weird.
Nari and I sat there waiting for the two to return.

Nari was currently cutting out the hallway infront of my room. Inside my room she cut out a tiny stick figure of me while laughing. My face shifted from confusion to amusement right away.

"Is that me?" I asked, holding back a laugh.
"Yes, yes that is." Nari said, letting herself chuckle.
"And over here is the bickering couple." She said pointing at two stick figures with angry faces.

By then I let my laughter out.
For a woman who tried to kill me, she's not that bad.

"I'm getting water, do you want some? It wouldn't be drugged this time." She laughed.

"Clean water would be nice." I smiled.

After the water was given everything went well. We conversed to pass time.

I think I have a friend.

"Three exits, one infront, one at the back, one  heading upstairs." Aren reported as Nari started drawing where the exits were.

"Three infront, three at the back, one upstairs." Kerestel added as Nari drew dots to represent the guards.
"The guard upstairs leaves during lunchtime for twenty minutes." Kerestel said.

"Such an irresponsible guard." Aren joked.

"Thanks for the help with the time." I said, agreeing with Aren as well.

Oh, thank the Lord, we finally have a plan.
"It's unlocked right?" I asked, praying that it was.

"No." Kerestel said. Great.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Aren added.

"We'll wing it?" Nari asked, obviously concerned.

"No, we'll slap it." Aren said bluntly.

"What?" Nari asked cocking her head.

And that's when our day ended. A sarcastic conversation and a new goal for tomorrow: unlock that door and get the hell out.

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