Chapter 8: A Key, a Door, and Snow

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Before taking our plans to fruition we decided to conduct our own ablutions and get ready.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and slid on a uniform.

I had a new caretaker, Antari. She seemed nicer, she never tried to poison me. I still couldn't trust her.

We all met up at lunchtime by the door. Nobody suspected a thing. We kept a low profile and nobody noticed us missing.

Now the problem, opening the door.
"Didn't we pass the room with keys earlier?" Aren asked.

"See you're the type of guy that's helpful when it's too late." Kerestel insulted.

Aren pretended that he didn't hear the remark and ran straight to the key room without warning.
I trailed behind him.

"Is it open?" I asked.
"Yes." He said, opening it quickly.

He skimmed through the different keys until we found the right one.

The key had a light yellow shade, almost like Aren's hair.

We ran back, avoiding guards.
The clicking of the key was heard.

"It's not opening!" I whined.

"5 minutes left." Kerestel warned.

Aren shoved me out of the way and took control. "It really isn't." Aren said in a sing-song tune.

"Let me try!" Kerestel said, copying the tune mockingly and taking the wheel.

"You were turning it the wrong way!" He said in a normal tone.

The key clicked and clacked until the door was open.

It was snowing.
It was gorgeous. The sun shone through the thick clouds as we stepped through the deep snow.

Snow had a smell, and I missed it.

"Let's go!" I mouthed.
Run! Run! Run! Was the only thing my mind chanted.
We weren't the only ones who were run, run, running.
Five- ten- twenty- twenty people trailed behind us. Also others from the mental hospital.

Aren swore as he picked up his pace.

"Someone forgot to close the door!" Nari screamed.

"Did you get the letter too?!" A raven-haired woman asked.

Almost everyone who was running came to a halt.
"Did everyone get a letter?" Kerestel asked.

People shared glances then started nodding. "If it's the 'We know what you did last summer' kind of letter, then yes." Another guy added sarcastically.

Everyone got a letter.
Everyone is sane?
Questions arose.

We all seemed to get lost in our own thoughts.
Aren, Kerestel, Nari, and I snapped out of it almost instantly and decided to leave right away.

We're out.

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