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In this world, men were taught from a very young age that they were worthless and born to serve women. Their entire lives were dedicated to pleasing their female counterparts and fulfilling every need and desire that they had. This had been the societal norm for centuries, and nobody questioned it.

Boys were brought up in schools with strict regulations that forced them to behave submissively, and any form of rebellion or assertiveness was immediately punished. They were put in separate classes and taught courses in cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children.

As they grew older, they were trained in different forms of obedience that their female partners would expect from them. They were taught to agree with everything that their female masters said, to stay out of their way, and to put their needs above their own.

Men were not allowed to work outside the home or handle any financial transactions. Those who tried were punished severely by being thrown into jail or beaten until they were incapable of standing.

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