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Once upon a time, in a world far away, there was a society where male children were sent to schools that taught them to be submissive, obedient, timid and weak while female children were sent to schools where they were taught to be dominant, aggressive and violent. This system was deeply ingrained in the culture and everyone loved it despite its obvious flaws.

The males were trained to be perfect servants, always ready to obey any command given to them by their female superiors. They were taught to be meek and docile, never questioning their mistresses' authority. On the other hand, the females were trained to be fierce and powerful, always ready to take charge and dominate their male counterparts.

Despite the fact that females tended to publicly humiliate the males when they didn't obey, and every male without a mistress was ridiculed and considered useless and a disgrace, no one wanted the system to change. The males were seen as inferior beings, and the females were seen as the superior gender.

As time went on, this system became more and more entrenched in the culture, and the males became more and more subservient. They were treated as nothing more than objects, to be used and discarded at will by their mistresses. The females, on the other hand, were seen as the rulers of the world, and they enjoyed all the privileges that came with that status.

Despite the obvious flaws of this system, no one wanted to change it. It had become so deeply ingrained in the culture that it was seen as the natural order of things. The males were happy to serve their mistresses, and the females were happy to dominate them.

In the end, this society became a dystopian world, where the males were nothing more than slaves, and the females were the ruling class. It was a world where obedience was prized above all else, and where the strong preyed on the weak. And yet, despite all this, no one wanted to change the system, and so it continued on, day after day, year after year, until it became the only way of life that anyone knew.

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