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Once upon a time, there was a school unlike any other. It was a place where men were taught to be submissive and feel useless, while women were taught to be aggressive and dominant. This system had been in place for generations, and everyone loved it.

The boys at the school were taught to be obedient and to serve the girls. They were taught to do whatever the girls asked of them, without question. They were also taught to be quiet and to keep their opinions to themselves. They were not allowed to speak unless spoken to, and they were not allowed to make eye contact with the girls.

The girls, on the other hand, were taught to be strong and assertive. They were taught to take charge and to be the leaders. They were also taught to use the boys for their own purposes. They could order the boys around, make them do their homework, carry their books, and even give them massages.

Despite the stark contrast between the sexes, everyone at the school was happy with the system. The boys enjoyed serving the girls and felt a sense of purpose in their subservience. The girls enjoyed using the boys and felt a sense of power in their dominance.

The school had been around for so long that it was considered normal. No one questioned the system, and everyone believed that it was the way things were supposed to be. The boys grew up to be obedient and subservient men, while the girls grew up to be strong and assertive women.

And so, the school continued to operate, generation after generation, with the boys serving the girls and the girls using the boys. It was a strange and unusual system, but it worked for everyone involved.

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