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In a world where men were taught to be subservient and feel inferior to women, there lived a submissive man named Jack. He had three timid little brothers who followed in his footsteps and looked up to him as their role model. Jack's two older sisters were dominant and strict but kind, and they made sure that their brothers were always following the rules.

Jack's older brother, Tom, was rebellious but submissive. He didn't like the system, but he still followed it because he didn't want to disappoint his family. Their dad was easily scared and didn't have much say in the family's decisions. Their sick mother was bedridden most of the time, but she still made sure that her children were taken care of.

The only one who didn't follow the rules was Jack's bratty little sister, Lily. She was always causing trouble and getting into fights with her brothers. However, even she knew her place in the family hierarchy and never tried to challenge her sisters' authority.

Despite the system's flaws, everyone in the family loved it. The men enjoyed serving the women, and the women enjoyed using the males. Even though the females could be abusive towards the males, the men only had rights if their mistress allowed it.

One day, Jack's sisters decided to give him a special reward for being such a good submissive. They allowed him to take a day off from his duties and spend time with his brothers. They went to the park and played games, and Jack felt like a normal person for the first time in his life.

However, when they returned home, they found that Lily had caused trouble again. She had broken one of their mother's prized possessions, and their sisters were furious. They punished Lily by making her do all the chores for the next week, and Jack couldn't help but feel grateful that he wasn't in her position.

Despite the challenges they faced, the family continued to live in harmony, and everyone knew their place in the hierarchy. They may not have been living in a perfect world, but they were content with the life they had.

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