Chapter 3: Another one bites the dust

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(In which another father figure bites the dust)

It had been a few years since Y/N had been birthed into her new empi- I mean life and (thankfully) she had grown out of the phase of torturing the poor couple that were unfortunate enough to have been her birth parents in the new dimension. After the first few months of living with her second family, Y/N decided to calm down a bit and try to fit in and adjust to life in Japan and not having her phone 24/7.

(the last one was proving to be a bit more difficult)

Luckily, since her 'parents' still thought Y/N was still just a (slightly psychotic) child it meant she was able to get them to teach her how to read, write and speak Japanese easily enough. She also learned a lot more about Japanese culture and secretly enjoyed going to numerous festivals with her family - Y/N had even started growing slightly attached to her parental figures who were now slightly less terrified of her after a few therapy sessions with their next door neighbour. Sadly though, it seems all good things must eventually come to an end.


'I am perfectly capable of walking by myself thank you very much, I don't get why I have to hold her hand whilst we walk, she better buy me a ton of F/F after this,'

I glared angrily at the woman who walked beside me, a firm grip on my toddler-sized fist.

Great, she noticed "I know you must be hungry from all this walking, Y/N, but I promise we can go to the F/F food shop afterwards, I just need to get some supplies to fix my kimono, then we can leave,"

I huff, irritated, and fold my short arms angrily.

'Being in a small child's body has started to affect my mind a little, though admittedly I wasn't that mature before,'

I look up to gaze at the large variety of shops and stalls we were passing as colourful lights from the festival a few streets away danced around my head.

 Entranced by the diverse streets of the small city, I barely registered that the woman who I now had to refer to as my 'mother' had come to a sudden halt. I looked forward, curious to her actions and was unprepared for the scene that lay before me.

"Noo, Hiroshi!" the lady beside sobbed in anguish as she struggled to tear her eyes away from the mangled corpse of what used to be her husband in the darks alleyway to our right.

Truth be told, I was a little shocked and disgusted - after all, I had liked the man who taught me how to read and write and I felt a twinge of guilt at the fact I could not comfort the distraught wife who clutched her dead lover's body close to her chest.

'Who could have done this?' I thought in silence as people started running towards the hunched figure of my 'mother'.


Wow, that kinda got dark, sorry if anyone got upset by that but it was necessary for plot and character development and all that. Also RIP Hiroshi (Y/N's 'dad') - I literally just Googled generic Japanese names for that.

P.S. Two updates in one week, yay!

P.P.S. anyone like my pfp?


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