Chapter 7: Oi, I'm walking 'ere!

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(Maybe you should not mess with an all-powerful demon king..? Nah)

I take back what I said, Muzan Kibutsuji is officially the worst father in the history, I mean, who leaves a four-year-old child in the middle of a busy street to go do who knows what? As you can probably guess, a demon king, a demon king does.

It was on a dark, stormy night... (not actually - it was another one of those 'outings' my 'mother' had set up) when a two figures emerged from a house and out into the crowded streets and lanes of the city. Like always, my small hand was enveloped in a secure hold as I was guided through the mess of people. Have you ever been bumped into by a random stranger about twice the size of you who then proceeds to knock you over in you tiny toddler body and walks past you like nothing happened? Well let me tell you, it isn't fun...

Muzan looked over in slight confusion when he noticed I had stopped moving to see me sat in the road doing what most young children do when they've fallen over: crying. I was slightly to see a look of slight anger on the demon's face when he looked between my sitting form and the man who had just passed us as he put together what had happened.

"Excuse me, sir, it appears you just harmed that girl," Kibutsuji spoke in a cold tone, barely masking his pure anger at the man.

"And? What's it to you?"

You could see that this was the final straw as veins became visible on Muzan's pale forehead.

"I am sorry sir but I am having trouble hearing you over the noise of this crowd, might we talk away from all these people?" the king of demons asked.

The man grunted roughly in reply: "Make it quick,"

And so that was how I ended up all alone in the middle of a busy city on my own with my third father going off to do who knows what with a random man in a alleyway hold on- I just realised how weird that sounds. After waiting and crying for what seems like hours eventually the demon progenitor returned with a suspiciously pleased look on his face.

'Ayo did they fu-' my extremely innocent thought was interrupted by the smooth criminal voice of Michael Jackson himself.

"Don't worry Y/N, he's gone now, why don't we start heading home now?"

As I regained my grip on his thin wrist I noticed an odd stain near the bottom of his right sleeve which had not been there before...

'Wow, they really went at it hard,'


The manga was surprisingly accurate about how Muzan acted with his fake family, although I don't remember there being anything about him being quite this protective. He never went out in the day for obvious reasons and explained to my 'mother' about his 'job' which required him to work all night and sleep all day - didn't know babysitting a bunch of demons counted as a job but go off I guess. I have to admit he was very good at spending enough time with us as to not be suspicious and if I didn't already know about his identity you never could have guessed. Also, for a bloodthirsty demon who only eats human flesh he was a surprisingly good cook.


Hi, I wrote a chapter instead of doing my homework, gonna hate myself tomorrow but oh well


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