Chapter 8: That lying little-

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Hi, it is almost the end of school where I am so things are a little busy, I also play the piano and the harp so there is a lot of stuff with that ig - concerts, exams etc, anyway, been watching OHSHC recently so that's good, also been watching Tokyo Revengers

(In which some secrets get out)

There has been a few suspicious news reports lately - apparently some guy was found ripped to shreds in an alleyway the day me and the king of pop went to another festival but I am sure that does not have anything to do with me, right? Nothing has really happened but I have noticed my 'mother' has been acting strange again, she has been going out a lot recently leaving me with the demon who was supposed to be her second husband (oh yeah they got married, it was kind of boring actually - she almost made me be a flower girl, it was awful) and sometimes she came home very drunk and went straight to her bedroom. Part of me thinks she may be meeting up with someone but I do not think father number three would be too pleased with that, oh well, she has been quite a bad mother recently.

As I was thinking about all this there was a strange noise coming from downstairs, it was one of the days where Muzan had to go do his 'work' so I was left in the not-very-capable hands of my dear old mom for the day, it was safe to say she was not doing a very good job. In fact, as soon as the demon king left she sent me straight to my room, where I am now, and made me promise not to go down under any circumstances. Some of the sounds I have been hearing are quite disturbing, maybe I should go and check it out...

Sliding off my bed silently, I softly make my way across the creaky wooden boards that made the floor of my snug bedroom, trying to go undetected by the women in the next room. Creeping closer to the entrance, the noises were now more discernible and I recoiled in disgust.

"Is that..? Oh shit..."

At that moment, the sound footsteps rang out behind me - a warning that my 'father' was now back from doing whatever kings of demons did in their spare time. Unfortunately for the women who had birthed me in this fresh new Hell, Muzan walked down the hallway with a frustrated look on his face, one that soon morphed into one of pure anger at the sight that lay in the room in front of me.

Just as I cautiously peaked out from behind the door, a loud scream echoed.


"Double shit,"

There lay the two, mutilated corpses of my now-dead mother and-

No, it couldn't be...


Shock at this betrayal took over my body as I started shaking, so much so that I almost did not notice the hunched figure of my latest father hunched over the mangled bodies with an almost comical expression as his eyes followed my gaze.

I blinked.

He blinked

I blinked.

He blinked.

I blin-

(You get the idea)

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