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Backstory: You and Tessa were already dating, and you guys had to go to a interview but no one knew that you guys were gay, let alone dating each other.

"Hey, babe, remember we have to go to that interview for Thor; Love and Thunder," Tessa shouted up the stairs.

"No, shit, I forgot," you said as you were running around. That turned out to be a bad idea as your shorts slipped down and you tripped over them, hitting your head on the ground. Whoops.

"(Y/N) be careful up there, I heard you fall," Tessa shouted once again.


You and Tessa were waiting nervously, holding hands, subtly of course. Y'all were finally called in for the interview and let you hands drift apart. You took your seat and so did your gorgeous girlfriend, they were right next to each other.  

There were a few questions about Thor; Love and Thunder, but then came the questions about being on set, and the much anticipated questions about the rumors about your guy's relationship. You guys denied the rumors of course, but that got you nervous, did anyone see you guys holding hands earlier? Did anyone get a picture? Did they post it? A whole rabbit hole of nervousness. Tessa saw this and she got up to walk around you and gave you a hug from the back, earning a confused look from the interviewer. 

"Awwww, zoom in on these two besties," the interviewer said to the camera man, he did as told. You blushed, and Tessa shook her head ever so slightly, it was light enough on your head you could feel it but you were sure the cameras didn't catch it. 

You guys finish out the interview and head home, your nerves have calmed down and you know once you get home you'll be getting cuddles for the rest of the day.

Hey, guys this was just a random idea that had popped into my head, I really need suggestions. Sorry for the long break, my mom got sick with bronchitis so I had to help, then I had to babysit my neighbor's 5 year old daughter, a lots been happening, I'll try to get back to writing every day but I need suggestions.

-Emma Stark

Published April 6th 2023

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