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Backstory: You had the biggest crush on Brie Larson and you didn't know if she knew you were gay yet. But you had the seeking suspicion that she was gay, and on YouTube there were multiple videos on her acting gay / being gay on camera.  So you thought it was time to come out to her and tell her the truth.

Today you and Brie had planned to hang out and watch her new movie "Captain Marvel"  and you felt like you wanted to tell her about your feelings and decided it was time to come out to her. You know she'll accept you.

DING DONG. That was the doorbell. You go to the door and open it, letting Brie inside.

"Hey, ready," you asked, Captain Marvel  already pulled up on the screen. 

"Yup!" Brie says with excitement in her voice.

"I have something to tell you tho," you say with a hint of wavering in your voice.

"What is it (Y/N)?" She asks.

"I'm gay," you just blurt out. You instantly cover your mouth with your hands. Brie sees a little bit of fear in your eyes. 

"That's okay, I probably guess you have seen the videos on YouTube about me being gay... they aren't exactly  wrong," Brie says to calm you down, and ends up confessing to you as well.

"Oh, really? I was so scared,  I thought that you were gonna hate me and not want to be my friend, and out me by telling everyone, and I thought that you were gonna be mad and just get up and leave, and I thought that you were gonna yell at me and ban me from ever seeing you again..." you are cut off as you feel a pair of lips against your own. She was actually kissing you!  Its like a dream come true, no, not like, it is a dream come true.

Hey, hope you guys liked it. I'm starting to post more regularly now, but I need help! If anyone has any ideas please send them to me. It would be much appreciated!

-Emma Stark

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