🎉🥳The Party 🥳🎉

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Courtney's POV

I walk into the party with Gwen and Heather. I see everyone with their red polo cups.

"Want some Court?" Geoff said, walking up to me.

"No thanks." I say denying the offer

Gwen goes up to Duncan and starts to hang out with him. I was always a little jealous of how well they got along with each other, I was on my last nerve because of how jealous I was. It didn't help when they started dating.

"Hey, you okay?" Heather asked.

"Didn't know you cared." I say surprised by her comment

"I don't, you just look down."

Noah walks up to me with a cup of alcohol

"Here, it helps. Believe me." He says and hands the cup to me. I look at it and decide to take a sip. It tastes delicious.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask Noah

"Well...Cody's busy with the other Drama Brothers so I'm kind of just sitting here with nothing else to do." He says

"OoOoOoOo, are you jealous?" I ask

"NO!" He says in defense, "I'm just bored."

"Yeah right." I say rolling my eyes.

"Well I bet you're jealous because Gwen is talking to your man." He says

"AM NOT!" I say defending myself

"Yeah yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night." He says and slowly walks away.

Maybe Noah's right. Maybe I am jealous.

Noah's POV

After leaving Courtney to think about herself, Geoff calls us all in to play a game.

"What." I say with significant dread in my voice.


"Okay." Says literally everyone except me.

"Hey Noah, are you gonna play with us?" Asked Cody

"Sure I guess." I say

"Okay Heather, Truth or dare?" I say to Heather.

"Dare. I'm not afraid of you." She says back to make her sound more intimidating.

"Okay then, I dare you to start a conversation with Alejandro and keep talking until this game is over."

"BUT WHYYYY?! WHAT IF THE GAME TAKES TOO LONG?!" Says Heather who is whining.

"Do I look like I care?"

She then walks over to Alejandro groaning and starts to talk to him.

"Noah, truth or dare" says Izzy.

"Truth." I say, too afraid of what she might have done if I said dare.

"Do you like Cody?" I look at her.

"Yes." I say

Cody bushes

"As a friend." I continue

For some weird reason he is still blushing.

"No, no, I meant LIKE LIKE." I give her the death stare.

"Um." I didn't know what to say.


I then get up and head to the kitchen to get another cup of alcohol.

"OOOOOOOOOO, CODY!!!!!" I hear people say in the background.

I look at him and he looks redder than a tomato.

Shoot, I shouldn't have said that. I say to myself

431 words 

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