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Heather's POV

I keep re-reading the group chat's newest texts. I mean, everything has gotten so dramatic. Noah and Cody broke up after like two days and I don't think they're getting back together anytime soon. But for me, well that's different.

I sit on the couch for twenty minutes thinking about things such as, Alejandro and Tyler. UG, they're not even good for each other. Okay, maybe I'm a little jealous about their whole relationship thing.

They have never mentioned their relationship to anybody. Well I know cause I saw them at the mall together, which was weird. I also remember the day that Tyler broke up with Lindsey. I hate it and I hope it's just a stupid prank to get me to say I like him when I don't. But, I kind of do.

I finally get up and I grab a sheet of paper. I think of writing how I feel, but I think that's too weird. So I decided to write a letter to him telling him what he wants to hear.

To Alejandro

Hello, I just wanted to say that I know that you and Tyler are dating. I am also proud to say that I'm happy for you. You are probably thinking, "What in the world?" But I want you to know that I appreciate you, and you can tell everyone else too.

Love, Heather

I dropped it off at the post office and waited a couple of days for a response.


I checked my mail box and saw a letter inside.

"Yes, I hope he said something."

I looked at it, I was right. It was a letter from Alejandro. I opened it up to see what was inside.

To Heather,

I see you have written to me in letter form, very original. Yes, I was dating Tyler, but I broke up with him once I saw your letter. It got me thinking about you and how much I like you. Tyler understood and told me he was going to see if he could win back Lindsey. Heather, I love you and will never stop. You are mi amour to me. I know this will probably end up in the trash, but I do know that you're reading this now and that is my goal.

Love yours truly, Alejandro

I closed up the letter and hung it up on my wall in my room. I guess I do still like him.

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