Boys Night (planning)

432 5 14

Da Boys


Noah: No.

Duncan: Why not, u a wuss

Noah: No. I just don't want to go

Justin: I'll go

Trent: Same

Cody: I'll go too

Noah: Fine I'll go

Alejandro: U only did that cause Cody did

Noah: No!

Duncan: 🙄🙄

Geoff: How about we all just go to my house and have a boys night out?

Owen: sure

Harold: Yes

Duncan: Ur not going.

Harold: ?

Noah: I rather him not talk about Lashawna the whole time

Geoff: good point, Harold ur not going

Harold left the chat

Cody: What should we do?

Geoff: We can start by playing T or D

Owen: Okay

Justin: Then we should say who the hottest people are

Noah: No.

Justin: Why?

Noah: Cause I an 100% sure I won't be on the list

Justin: Fine

Duncan: We should compare sizes

Noah: Like of ur nose?

Duncan: U know wat I'm talking about

Cody: NO!

Duncan: Why? 😏😏😏

Cody: I-I don't want the people with small... U know, to be ashamed

Duncan: *Cough* you *Cough*

Cody: HEYYY!

Geoff: then we should tell each other our deepest darkest secrets

Noah: I don't see any problem with that?

Trent: Really?

Noah: oF CoUrSe ReAlLy!

Trent: Oh

Geoff: Well, we will figure It out when we get there

Owen: Good Deal

Geoff: Here is my address

123 IDon'tCare ST 

House number 69

200 words


yes, the next chapter is the Boys night out

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