Screw you

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Duncan: What's goin on 

Noah: why the hell do you care?

Duncan: cause I'm not a bitch

Noah: ummmm, last time I checked u were

Duncan: screw you

Heather: who whorls want to screw Noah

Gwen: true dat

Noah: kindly stfu

Cody: GUYS!

Geoff: what's up my man?

Cody: Noah sent me something sus


Cody: I asked him if he liked sports and he said he only liked them for the balls

Courtney: Noah u did not say that

Noah: eh was I lying

Lindsey: Noah that's gay

Noah: Ya, I'm gay hoe 

Beth: do not call Lindsey that

Noah: idc 

Beth: then stfu

Noah: try me bitch

Cody: not Noah going all out

Noah: Cody pls stop man

Courtney: wow nice to ur boyfriend but no one else

Noah: EX

Cody:  EX

Gwen: that's just sad

Noah: stop describing my life

Cody: noah. Just cause we're not dating doesn't mean U can still put ur self down like that


Cody: whatever I tried

Noah: Cody, I'm sorry

Duncan: ok so now make up and make out and then ur fine

Cody: Noah. Please. Stop.

Noah: ok.

Bridgette: that was actually sad

Noah: ... I'm not saying it

Cody: good.

Gwen: Cody, Sierra wants to talk to u

Cody: tell her to fuck off

Courtney: DAMN 😳😳  

Noah: 🤙🏽😏

Cody: 🖕🏻😒😡🙄

Noah: 😳😀😅🙂🙁☹️😣😖😫😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Duncan: dang

sorry this chapter is so short next one is third person fallowing a 'normal' day in the life of a ship named noco that sadly died...but maybe I spoke to soon


225 words

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