Done so soon?

727 10 69

Noah: ... hey guys

Cody: Hey Noah are you okay?

Noah: Yeah...sure

Courtney: You know we are your friends, right? You can tell us.

Noah: No, I'm fine

Heather: Okay.

Duncan: I'm SOOOOO bored

Sierra: Ok, we can play a game were I will change all your names and you

guys will figure out who is who.

Gwen: Actually, that's not a bad idea

Sierra: OKEY


CODYKINS-LOVES-ME: Ok guys I changed ur names

Dumb-Blonde: O hi GUYS

Gothic-chic: That's Lindsey 💯

URlawyer: Ur Gwen

Boyfriend-stealer: Ur Courtney obv

Courtney: Wait? R U GWEN?!

Boyfriend-stealer: UGG WHY IS THIS MY NAME?!!!!!

😍 CODYKINS 😍: Um? Maybe it's Heather, She did kiss trent in Island

Queen-Bee: It's not me

Queen-Bee: Oo, I like my name

😍 CODYKINS 😍: @Boyfriend-stealer WHO R U???

Boyfriend-stealer: It's me, Noah. AND I HATE THIS NAME, SIERRA YOU


😍 CODYKINS 😍: O. makes sense


Boyfriend-stealer: Gladly!


Queen-Bee: wow.

😍 CODYKINS 😍: I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU SAYING YOUR GOING TO KYS. If you say it one more time, we're done. Period.

Boyfriend-stealer: ok.


Sierra: I changed ur names back

Boyfriend-stealer: ok thx

Sierra: Except urs

Boyfriend-stealer: Kill me now

Cody: 😶

Boyfriend-stealer deleted a message

Cody: ...

Boyfriend-stealer: Pls Cody, I didn't mean it

Cody: I said what I said

Courtney: Oop-

Heather: Cody don't do it

Sierra: YES DO IT

Cody: we.are.done.

Boyfriend-stealer: but.

Cody: Stop Noah.

Boyfriend-stealer: ok.


Bookworm/Geek (Noah/Cody)

Bookworm: Cody.

Geek: What?

Bookworm: I'm sorry

Geek: good

Bookworm: Why did you get so upset?

Geek: It's cause of your past, you have attempted to kill your self before it's not like It's just a joke. Why do you joke about it anyways?

Bookworm: Well I always thought that if life isn't going well just make some jokes and make people laugh or make it so they think that every time you say things like that, It's a joke. When it probably isn't.

Geek: Oh. Well, you know we're over and I can't help you there but I can help you find some help.

Bookworm: No.

Geek: Okay, I was just considering it

Bookworm: Thanks I guess

Geek: No problem

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