Vacation Plans

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The herd decided to spend their summer time at the beach near their new home. They've made a nice area for themselves and enough room for the kids to play as well without getting disturbed during sunbathing and entertaining themselves in the shade

It was like a private beach for them and no one else was aloud to come and disturb them or even think of finding something to complain about and getting them removed. Nope, not happening

Peaches, Louis, Crash and Eddie were throwing around a frisbee made of big leaves and it was held together with tree paste, making it light enough to throw around and easy to repair and find if it gets broken or lost

They laughed with joy as they kept playing around, the adults were sitting under the shade and enjoyed their own drinks from their coconut cups

Sid was secretly burying Diego and Shira under the white sand as they were sleeping deeply under the sunlight, he did it with care and kept himself as quiet as possible, muffling his giggles

He then took a twig and drew a mermaid tail on both of their sand-covered bodies and two shell bras on their upper body. After he was done, he covered his mouth as he giggled and cooed at the new saber couple

"Sid, just leave the lovebirds alone" Manny groaned as he drank his drink and then turned to look at Nathan and Ryan, who were also covered in sand

"You also forgot to dig someone up as well"

"Oh, please, it's vacation. You gotta do some fun activities, even if you're doing nothing, but sleeping and slouching around in the sand" Sid replied as he wiped the sand off his paws

"Which is what you've been doing as well" Manny clarified

Sid then started building sandcastles on top of Diego and Shira's buried bodies and had made a whole kingdom of it by the time Diego started to wake up when he got a strange feeling

It didn't end well. Diego and Shira woke up as they gasped and yelled, pulling themselves out of the sand and shaking it off. They were anything, but happy with Sid at the moment

"Argh! Sid!" Diego yelled as Sid gulped and chuckled


"Sid, you've put sand in my ears!" Shira yelled as she tapped the side of her head hardly to get the sand out

And things didn't lighten up when Nathan and Ryan woke up as well, just as agitated and angry at Sid's shenanigans, Sid was awaiting a whole lot of running around this hot summer day

Sid began screaming as he sprinted away, getting chased by at least 4 sabers and with the weather too hot, the sand too uneven and basically nowhere to flee, it was gonna be a rough day

Manny and Victor were laughing at the scene, but Leah and Ellie couldn't really chuckle at it as they gave their husbands a stern glance

"Oh, come on, he had it coming" Manny said as Victor nodded

"It's what he gets for burying my in-laws and my nephews alive"

"He was just playing around, it's vacation after all" Ellie nudged Manny's side as she chuckled and rolled her eyes

"Yeah, I still remember the old summer days when we took Noa to the beach" Leah smiled as Victor nodded

"Indeed, we always nearly lost her when she was playing in the sand. You blink once, she's nowhere to be found"

While the adults were chatting, Peaches, Louis, Crash and Eddie continued playing around with the frisbee and Eddie threw it a little too hard towards Louis, making him fall backwards, very hard

Ice Age: A Summer DisasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora