A Warm Family Reunion

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"It's gone" Shira gasped, followed by Sid

"That can't be true"

"What?! But how?! It was just here a moment ago!" Louis exclaimed while Noa has had it with him and Stella

"Yeah, a moment ago! If you both would've just stayed here!"

"Yeah, while you were doing nothing but bossing everyone around, huh?!" Louis yelled

"Unlike you, I'm actually trying to get us back home, all while you're here just having a casual date!" Noa yelled back

"Ok, ok. Calm down, everybody" Shira shushed them, before things could escalate

Sid took a few steps forward and spotted something in the sand, it were trails of the boat and it looked like someone had dragged the boat into the island. And as if they couldn't get luckier, there were paw prints

He inspected them closely and then discovered that those were the paw prints of a sloth, obviously not his. And with Shira inspecting them as well, she knew as well that there were other sloths on the Hopeless Island

"Guys, I think we caught the thief!" Sid called out for them as they spotted the paw prints as well

They gathered around and saw it

"So, I assume the thieves want to vandalize our boat if we won't do something for them" Peaches spoke up

"Why would you think that? Maybe they were too entitled to build their own and had to 'borrow' ours for whatever reason they have" Noa replied as Shira agreed

"Let's go find it then"

While searching half the island, they found patches of fur in some bushes that smelled like rotten eggs and like the sloth got sprayed by a bunch of granny skunks, they were on the right track

"I don't know why, but I got a strong feeling that I know this sloth" Sid said as Noa nodded

"Me too, actually"

"How?" Peaches asked

"Remember Sid's family? The ones who almost ran us over with their tree trunk?" Noa reminded Peaches as she then remembered

"Oh, yeah!"

"Some family" Noa mumbled

In the tall grass fields, Manny and Diego were trying to find Granny who has been wandering again. Although it wasn't too high for Manny to stare over at the tall grass, he sure did had a hard time trying to find an elderly sloth

Diego on the other hand, relied on his sense of smell and hearing, making him Manny's personal tracking system

"How do you keep losing an old sloth?" Manny asked Diego

"Me? Well, that's rich coming from you. You didn't even feel it when Granny jumped off your back" Diego argued as Manny groaned and shouted


And then they both continued to call for her


"Old hag!"


"Who will free us?!"

Then as if it couldn't get crazier, Manny spotted a tall mast hoping up and down through the tall grass field. They both heard groaning, panting and arguing coming from there and at the top of the mast, a dark purple ball of fur was clinging tightly onto it

They just stood there, staring at it


"I really don't know" Diego replied

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