The hunt

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Tanjiro's POV

I just had to concentrate. The red fire formed behind me. My sharp whips emerged from my back. The red flames were forming into a monster. The sun had risen and I was unfazed by it. Me and Nezuko trained enough. We are sun-walkers.(Got the name from Shadow hunters). The sun was getting into my eye. I growled and snapped my fingers. The light dimmed drastically. I did this for two reasons. One because it was annoying me and, two because I sensed Lord Muzan , our father, in the shadows.

"Very good job son." Father said, pleased, as he stepped into the space.

Nezuko got up from below the willow tree and turned into a child. I did the same. We approached our father as cute children. He loved it when we did that. It's been two years since he adopted us. He surprised all the demons one and a half years ago when he announced that only me and Nezuko were allowed to call him 'father'. We hugged father's legs as he picked me and Nezuko up in his arms. His eyes were filled with love and he was wearing his seldom cheerful smile. Me and Nezuko were smiling as usual.

"Tanjiro, you seem to have mastered your blood demon art." father told me.

And indeed I had. I was able to manipulate thoughts, blood and even fire. Manipulating fire and blood was my favourite. Father gave Nezuko a weak smile. He seemed to be overworked. I climbed out of his grip. I made the flames cover the area and created a covering that blocked out the sun. Father was pleased and sat near the lake.

"Rest father. We're going on a hunt." Nezuko stated, reading my mind.

"Be careful, don't run into any demon slayers!" father called out in a concerned voice.

I smiled back at him. Me and Nezuko were more powerful than the twelve Kizuki. We changed our size and came to our original age. Nezuko was eighteen and I was nineteen. We went towards the village. I burst into the bar. I smirked menacingly. Only the bartender was there.

"Blood Demon Arts: Heart attack!" I called out.

My blood connected to the bartender. He held his chest in pain. He was about to scream. Nezuko held air, as if she was choking a person. The bartender was choking. A hand print was forming on his neck. He couldn't scream. He soon swayed over and his bulky body slumped over and died. His body was enough to feed three demons. Me and Nezuko went towards the dead body. I looked into his lifeless eyes. I whispered into his ear

" You should be honoured to be killed at the hands of Lord Muzan's children." I noticed a tear trickle down his fat face.

"Aww. He is dead." I said, my voice was distorted.

"Onii-chan, we can go back by portal." Nezuko stated.

I nodded. She opened a black void that led us to our father.We threw the dead body into the portal and jumped into it ourselves. We approached father in our more dominant forms. He was pleased to see us. He groaned and touched his forehead in pain. Me and Nezuko rushed to his aid.

"Father, are you okay?" Nezuko questioned.

" I just have not had a decent meal in months, that's all." he said looking at Nezuko.

He was oblivious to the fact that there was a dead body in front of him. I raised my hand and summoned the body towards me. The body dropped at our father's feet with a trail of blood behind it. He looked at me in awe.

"You can eat him." I said, giving our meal to him.

"We'll go hunting again." Nezuko said with a bright smile plastered on her face. Father looked at us in love and hugged us.

"You can go. " he said.

Me and Nezuko communicated through our minds as we were leaving.

"Onii-chan. I feel like playing with my food today!" Nezuko told me in my mind in a menacing demonic voice.

I smirked knowing exactly what she wanted to do.

"Let's do it then." I told her. My evil grin was plastered on my face, I was bearing my fangs.

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