Demon Prince

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Tanjiro's POV

I woke up in the throne room, well the throne room was where my father conducted his experiments. I sat up groaning only to be pinned down by a flurry of cuddles. I didn't need to guess who it was, I could tell from the action that it was Douma.

"Hey Douma, mind loosening up a bit?" I chuckled.

"Tanjiroooo! I was woriieeed!" Douma whined while a cute pout was etched on his face.

I heard a 'tsk' beside me and looked up to see Akaza. I could tell that he was worried too, but was hiding it. My vision blurred a bit, and I shook my head to get the ringing out of my ears. I looked up to see father staring down at me.

"Douma, Akaza leave." he spoke, glaring at the uppermoons.

The demons complied with the order. I looked up at my father questioningly, I did not expect to see him glaring at me as if I had committed a sin so crude that even the king of hell despised me.

"Tanjiro, were you born with that scar on your head?" Father asked me, while swirling a substance in his vial.

"I don't remember," I mumbled, ashamed.

"Well Tanjiro, I would like you to look at your palm." Father told me. I picked up a faint smell of.... Hate?

I looked down at my palm, I was surprised to find a mark of a phoenix on my hand. I squeaked in surprise.

"Who knew that the only demon that I care for will be this useless?" Father asked me, his voice dripping with rage.

"What do you mean by that father?" I asked, confused by his rage.

"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CALL ME FATHER! Not anymore." He shouted at me.

I backed away in fear. I now knew why all the other demons were afraid of him.

"Of course, Lord Muzan." I whispered, trying my best to keep my voice from quavering.

"Tanjiro, sit on this chair." Lord Muzan commanded me. Excruciating pain wrecked through my body, compelling me to move. My body moved to his will.

I sat on the chair, Muzan looking down at me attached many syringes into my body.

"Hey what are you doing?" I shouted.

Muzan looked at me and I felt my nerves being set on fire with pain. I screamed in pure agony.

"Speak only when spoken to." He told me, his voice cold as stone.

The syringes started pumping chemicals into me, and I felt myself lose consciousness.

"See I told you! He's not family! He's using you!" I turned around to find a little boy, Takeo screaming at me with tears in his eyes.

"Onii-chan, please. You know you don't belong here. He's using you!" The child continued.

"Now, now Takeo, let him rest, come let's go home." a woman with black hair and pink eyes said to the child.

She turned to me and said "Aren't you coming home with us?"

Stuned, I just followed them. I followed them up a mountain to a cottage. The same one that repeats in my dreams.

"Where are we?" I asked. The woman just laughed.

"Oh Tanjiro don't be silly, we're home!" She chuckled.

Home? I looked around and saw many other children laughing and playing around. In the distance I saw Nezuko smiling at me.

"See, we're home." she told me.

The scene shifted , I was now standing on blood stained snow. I looked around me and saw the massacre of the family.

"Ukasama!" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see another me in my human form running to the bodies.

The 'other Tanjiro' looked at me.

"You, don't remember? You don't remember that HE killed them. That He turned you into a monster?" The boy shouted at me.

His words hit deep, I felt my head spin, it all came back to me. My family, this was my family. Not Muzan, these people were my family. I looked around.

"The person that you call 'father' did this. He has wanted to get his hands on us since our true father died!" the boy told me, tears staining his cheeks.

Red hair, red eyes, and my earrings, I had inherited them all from my true father.

"Don't you know why he's using you?" the boy asked me in an accusing tone.

"It's because of that mark on your hand, a phoenix is a magical creature. You had powers before you were turned into a demon." the boy told me.

He looked at me and his eyes started to glow, a similar phoenix mark burned onto his hands. Flames enveloped his body.

"You are a blood descendent of sun breathers, you are made for the sole purpose of destroying demons." The boy told me.

"You have turned into one but you still feel like you don't belong," It was true. "You belong with humans, not as one, but as their protector. You are the reason that Muzan fears the sun. You must hone your skills to perfection."

"What about Nezuko?" I asked. The boy smiled at me.

"Nezuko also shares this power. Both of you must take down the demon king, this is your destiny!" The boy told me.

I felt myself falling into darkness. The Last thing I saw was the 'other me' smiling.

"Tanjiro, come home"

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