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Recap- Amrita and Daksh are anyways in so deep love that they see no place no time to prove it. Amrita being desperate gets to Daksh office and then rest is a hot story .

It's now been a month since Amrita shifted to her new home. Daksh is still on his plan to punish Liza. During this one month, Devangi used to visit Amrita without her parents noticing. Daksh's parents were still angry with Amrita's behaviour , but parents are parents they can't see their kids suffering. They always called Amrita's bodyguard to ask about her and even they sometimes in broken sentences asked Daksh about her. Daksh knew they where worries about Amrita.


It was another day in Amrita's life when Daksh was in his office and Devangi was there to visit her.

"Amritaaaa why did you eat all the cookies?", Devangi shouted like a child "I brought them so that we can eat it while watching TV."

"I'm sorry Devangi, I just don't know what's wrong with me.. I get random cravings you see I hated ketchup but see I need it with my every meal", Amrita worriedly said.

"Are you okay Amrita? You kinda look pale yet pink! Should we go to the doctor?", Devangi said.

"Nah maybe it's just the weather, and by the way let's watch this show with some popcorns?hm?", Amrita asked.

" Yah wait, I'll get the popcorns."

A while later, Devangi with a bowl full of popcorns sat infront of the TV and extended the bowl to Amrita. As soon as the smell of popcorn reached Amrita's nose she covered her mouth and rushed to the washroom.
Devangi was dead scared, she rushed behind her and saw her vomiting. As a lady the very first thought that striked Devangi's mind was "Is she pregnant?". She helped Amrita and then made her sit on a chair.

"By any chance..Are you pregnant?", Devangi asked.

"Pregnant? How?", Amrita being absurd.
" What do you mean 'how'? Oh a fairy came and planted the baby in your womb? Ha na?", Devangi sarcastically said.

"Stop fooling Devangi.. I'm afraid".
"Let's just test Amrita, I'll get the pregnancy kit from the nearby market, you just sit here.. don't go anywhere", Devangi said excitedly.


Daksh was signing some papers when his phone started ringing. He , at first ignored and put the phone on silent mode but his senses did not allowed to do it. He was shocked to see twelve missed call from Mom and Dad. His soul left his body. He called them immediately.

"Hello? Hello mom? Hello?", Daksh said in a go.

"Da...", his mom answered but was interrupted suddenly.

"Mom? Dad? Hello? I'm coming".

"Son, we are locked in our room and there are people roaming around in our house..they are armed and ..."

The call ended and that was when Daksh felt lightening striking his body. A shiver of horror ran down his spine. He loaded his gun and asked his men to be prepared. He rushed to his house.
Daksh was smart enough, he disguised himself as a truck driver and parked his truck a few metres away from his home. He hid the rifles in his shirt and some weapons in his shoes. He even wore a bulletproof jacket with a GPS tracker on it. He was ready for this moment because he sensed that there was something wrong .
He walked towards the main door of the house with a huge box in his hand.

"Who are you? Who send you here?", The armed men standing there asked.

"Ayo Sir ,I'm here to give this see ", he said in a weird voice.

The armed men warned him not to cross the line but Daksh was desperate to save his parents. At last, the armed men got so irritated with his behaviour they smashed the box . Daksh knew it was show time. He pulled out a small knife from his pocket and drew it across one the armed man's face. There were three men standing out of which one was severely injured. The other men pointed their gun at him , he for a second flinched but then he caught one of the hands of the two men. He kept his knife just below his chin and ordered to shoot his mate. As soon as the bullet left the gun, Daksh dashed his knife into his throat.
Daksh's eyes were red with anger ,he would just smash everyone's head who tries to hurt his family. He asked his men to be ready with arms as he can call them in anytime.

"Ask the snipers to take targets",he mumbled under his breath so that only the tiny mic can adapt the voice.

He could see his house being destroyed, the whole place looked like a mess but the only thing he cared was 'where are his parents?'. Even though he was disguised it was difficult for him too hide himself for a very long time. He definitely sneaked out here and there and finally reached the backyard. He cannot just climb stairs and get to the rooms , the armed men would fill him up with metal. He escaped to the backyard and finally found a water pipe stick to the wall. Daksh with great difficulty climbed it and piercing down the window pane entered the room. His mom and dad were sitting on the floor with their hands and feet tied. Daksh's eyes were filled with blood and anger. He immediately freed them and handed a pistol to his father , he asked them to hide somewhere and not to come out until he says. Since Daksh made the noise by breaking the glass the whole armed gang ran upstairs pointing their guns straight at the door. Daksh hesitated to open the door and go out because he does not want to put his parents' life in danger. Still he gathered courage and opened the door only to see Liza Scarface standing . His eyes were full of rage and blood, he was already in anger and this damned Liza is now standing just infront with a wicked smile.

"Surprise Surprise", she said and laughed.

"Surprise? Oh so nice but wait lemme return this to you bitch", he said with an evil smirk on his face and then shouted,"it's time guys, get the fucking in".

He said those words and guns started firing . The armies fighting there, blood on the floor , smoke in the air with noises approaching from every direction. This might have sacred Liza ,right? Well this doesn't scare her instead she smiled with satisfaction.

"You are a fool Daksh, AN EMOTIONAL FOOL",she said and laughed.

"Stop playing around",his voice was obviously tensed but the confidance and rage was still there.

"You need your games to be up Little piece of shit, Daksh", she stopped and flashed her phone on his face.


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