Chapter 13

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Trying my best to finish this book. Currently drinking French Vanilla again to improve productivity. 

Let's Begin...

(I wrote that ^ and then saved it and left- I'm back tho with more French Vanilla)


Bakugou POV:

I'm so bored. Only if this place was more entertaining...Hmmmm I wonder how the world is doing outside this place. I wonder how my 'family' is doing...maybe they have another child to replace me. Poor child in that case. 

I wonder if Deku got a quirk yet. He's probably training right now, maybe he even is dating someone. The others might also be hero. They're probably very strong right now, but not as strong as me obviously. 

...I wonder

I wonder....if Shoto is doing alright. My pokeball...wait what if he is dating maybe he isn't....what am I thinking, he probably forgot all about me and moved on, while I'm here thinking how powerful we would be together, wanting him to be mine. What a crazy person I am, I'm stuck here, nothing I can do. 

I get up from my bed and start doing my daily routine. It's 7:00 am. I'm hopeless... I should be exercising, not day dreaming about Shoto....

Once I get out the bathroom, there is breakfast: Oatmeal and Blueberries. (idc if you guys don't like it, but I love it.) Luckily, the doctors actually care about keeping us alive these days. Apparently too many people have died so far, and I'm the "oldest" alive right now. I also heard there are less people left to experiment, since in the 'world out there' it is harder to kidnap kids. I wrote a few diaries, since the doctors provide us with books to keep us from dying of boredom. It's useless, I burn the books cause I know the doctors just want to read the diaries to 'learn' more about us. 

I was picking up my closet and trying to redesign my room again, till suddenly....

~I'm blue~

~Da ba dee da ba di~

~Da ba dee da ba di~

~Da ba dee da ba di~



....What the hell. Did an experiment go wrong again?

No no no...This sound is different. 


No way. This gotta be a prank. There is no way the hero's found this place...

What if they save us....wait no. What if they return us back to our families.

I can't even get out of here...unless..



Thank You For Reading!! ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

I Have No More Motivation To Continue This Chapter o(TヘTo)

Lol, You wish to know what Bakugou did, but you will never know >:D

JKJK I will update dw.

Question: What do you think the "poof" was?

I Hope You All Have A Great Day Or Night (*^▽^*)

Love You All (No Homo) ψ(`∇')ψ

*crawls into a sleeping bag*


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