Episode 2: A Word From Our Sponser

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Woody: Last time on Dream Island Plus season 2. We met some new faces and said welcome back to some old ones as well. We had some new teams and the first contest of the season. It was simply to cross the bridge but it was rigged with some explosives. The bottom two teams were Mad Skills and The Villain Squad. Tom tried to put an end to The Villain Squad with his harpoon gun, however what he wasn't accounting for was that Ezekiel of all people would be so determined to not go home that he threw Tom down the hole and pushed Mad Skills to be our first team up for elimination. So let's see who will be the unfortunate soul that will be eliminated first, on Dream Island + Season 2!
Mad Skills were sitting around the eliminations area waiting for the elimination to start.

Tom: This really sucks

Edd: You really suck

Tom: It's so boring

Edd: You're so boring

Tom: That joke's getting really old

Edd: You're getting really old

Tom: Okay seriously shut up!

Edd: Well at least I'm not the idiot who caused our team to be put up for elimination.

Tom: How was it my fault? You idiots didn't even bother making it to the end!

Yellow Face: Guys can we PLEASE not argue right now? I'm trying to do a commercial!

Needle: A commercial for what exactly Yellow Face?

Yellow Face: A commercial for nunchucks!

Harold: Did you say nunchucks?

Yellow Face: Sure did

Yellow Face then pulled out a pair of deluxe nunchucks that were quite expensive.

Harold: Woah...

Craig: That's actually pretty sweet dude...how much?

Yellow: Only 25 payments of $50,000,000!

Craig: Yeah no I'm not paying that...

Harold: Why is it so expensive?

Yellow Face: Because they're made of solid gold!

Harold: Well I would buy them, but I don't have the money.

Yellow Face: Well if you help me with my commercial I'll give you your own pair for free! Is that a deal?

Harold: Deal!

Woody: But now is not the time for advertising!

Yellow Face: Aww...Can I do my commercial later?

Woody: Sure why not.

Yellow Face: YAY!

Woody: Anyway let's just get started. We got 6 votes, a bit less than I thought but hey it's better than nothing. So let's start. The following people are safe with 0 votes. Firey, Donut, Edd, Tom, Harold, and Yellow Face. Craig and Needle are tied for 3 votes each.

Needle: Wait I thought he had more votes then me! How is this possible...

Craig: Yeah I'm kinda confused myself...

Woody: Oh well allow me to explain. Basically one person originally voted for you Craig, however they changed their vote to Needle, which is allowed but you can only change your vote 1 time, so when they tried to vote for you again, it didn't count, and then they tried to use an alt account to try to vote, but once again that didn't work cause that's not allowed...

Dream Island + Season 2: Multiversal MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now