Episode 3: Super Bomb Survival

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Woody: Last time on Dream Island +. The first elimination ended up being a tie between Craig and Needle with the most votes, so we had to settle it with a tie breaker which ended up being a wheel spin. And with that Needle became the first person eliminated this season. The challenge for last episode was to make a commercial, and while some were good, Double Sponge thought that the best course of action was to use Grassy's body as a prop. Now they are up for elimination. And now, let's see which one of those contestants will be the next person eliminated from the show. On, Dream Island +.

Patrick was in stitches after what happened last episode.

SpongeBob: Patrick are you okay buddy?

Patrick: No...Ow! That talking water bottle beat me up so badly.

SodaBottle: Serves you right for last episode fatass.

SpongeBob: SodaBottle, I know you were mad last episode, but did you really have to beat up my friend like that?

SodaBottle: Look SpongeBob, if the roles were reversed you would probably want to do the same?

SpongeBob: Now why would I want to do that? I don't like hurting people...it just feels wrong to do so.

SodaBottle: Well if that's the case then what about episode 1? You caused people to get hurt back there.

SpongeBob: No I didn't. Look whatever Tom did to The Villain Squad was all his idea. I was just trying to make sure our team didn't lose, and even though things didn't go as planned, it still worked out didn't it?

SodaBottle: Okay sure, but all I'm gonna say, is don't lecture me about not hurting people when you're no better. You might not have told him to do something like that directly, but you still caused people to get hurt.

SpongeBob sat there in silence contemplating on what SodaBottle had told him.

Woody: Alright losers sorry I'm late.

Spongy: Hey don't call us losers!

Woody: I mean you guys did lose right?

Spongy: I mean yeah but-

Woody: So then what does that make you?

Coiny: Look, Woody can we please just get started with the challenge?

Pin: Yeah this is just filler.

Woody: Okay fine! God, you guys are no fun sometimes. Anyway, Double Sponge, last time your team lost cause you guys thought it was a good idea to use someone's dead body as a prop.

Gelatin: Well to be fair, it's not like we had any other grass props.

Woody: Well you could've oh idk, colored some paper green and glued it to the floor? Or something. Look you guys were being stupid. Actually, Grassy, why did you even agree to do that anyway?

Grassy: Well SodaBottle told Grassy that everything would be okay and that I would be safe.

Woody: Wow. That's just messed up SodaBottle.

SodaBottle: LOOK! Can we just get this damn elimination over with?! I'm starting to lose my patience here!

Woody: Okay fine let's just get this over with. If I call your name you are safe and get to stay for another episode. So the people safe with 0 votes are...Grassy, SpongeBob, Spongy, Coiny, Pin and Gelatin. The bottoms 2 are SodaBottle and Patrick.

SodaBottle: WHAT?! HOW AM I BOTTOM 2?!

Woody: Well it was your idea to use Grassy as a prop and then you want to beat up Patrick after YOUR idea went horribly wrong.

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