Ch. 2 10 hours

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Mitchie Pov
The gig last night was okay. I was still pissed at Maz by the time we got there. The club was nice. I still hated being downtown, though. We did about 5 songs, and then another band went up and did their set, which was pretty good. We all were drinking not very much and then we just slept in Sammy car cause they were to tried to go home so we had went to a cat park and stayed the night in the car there even tho I heavily protested to go home or anywhere.
Now it's about 6am, and I got Sammy bitxh ass to drive me home so I could make sure my family was ready. As I walked into the door, I was greeted by a big hug from Michael. I was surprised by that

Mic: yay your finally home
Mit: Hey, Michael
Mic: Why weren't you home
Mit: I had a gig, but that doesn't matter. Okay, are you all packed up
Mic: Yeah, I packed last night, and Ma and Marco were yelling about you
Mit: What were they saying?
Mic: that you were irresponsible for going out and that you should have more control for a 20 year old
Mit: I didn't choose to go out, you know that right I would have stayed here if I could but singing is my job Michael
Mic: I know they just wanted to be able to argue over something, and you weren't there to hear it, so you became that topic
Mit: it's whatever okay. Let's get our stuff out to the car, okay?
Mic: Okay

Michael ran upstairs and went into his room, and I went and grabbed my stuff .
Then, I headed to the kitchen where ma was drinking coffee with Marco

Mit: ready to go?
Ma: Yeah, are stuff already in the car
Mar: we've been waiting for you
Mit: Okay, I got my stuff, and so dose Michael, so let's go

We all headed to the car, and I put my bags and Michael's bags in the trunk with ma and Marco stuff. Me and Michael shared the back seat while Ma and Marco had the front seats. They drove to the airport, which was quite silent, the silence speaked volumes.

Hours later
We finally arrived in Rome Italy about 10ish hours later. I hate long flights, but at least I got to sit with Michael the whole way he became quieter the closer we got to Rome, which I got, but I still didn't like that he felt like he couldn't talk to me if you couldn't tell Michael is closest to me compared to Marco or ma. I mean, yeah, ma was always there for him as a baby, and while dad was still around before the divorce, Michael was living a normal and then the divorce then Ma decided that she wanted Marco to take care of us but the thing is that Marco is he didn't want to take care of me or Michael so I did I took care of me and him and Untill more recently ma finally decided that she was ready to take back her motherly dues finally after 2 of her kids didn't even need to be taken care of but she still acts like I'm a child but I'm only Still around for Michael that's the only reason I put up with her and Marco bullshit and how they treat me.
After we landed, I got my stuff, and Michael stayed quite still just following me. If I asked him something, he would guess little answer that was only like one word. But I didn't even care anymore. I was tired of being on that plane and just being in the airport. To be honest, all I wanted to do was get to the hotel and sleep.
Okay, so chapter 2 is done what do think good, bad dose it make sense so far
Like I'm kinda just setting up so of the background information for you to get some insight on what it was like for her growing up

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