Ch.7 Victoria

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Victoria Pov
I woke up with Mitchie in my arms. She looked so peaceful just laying there. It hurt me to know that she also had lost a parent. She also told me last night about how she found out about her dad's death she had been out with her friends after a gig and got a call from her older brother Marco saying she need to come home right then but she was being stubborn and said no cause she was drinking but after he couldn't get her to come home he gave up and just told her straight up "Dad's died some other driver hit him and now he's die" and she said she was unfastened by the new and then went to hanging with her friends and drinking then the next day she told her firends. After I stayed lying there for a few more minutes but I decided to get up, but I was afraid to move mity too much. So I carefully crawed out of the bed and left a bottle of water for her on the side table next to the bed and headed downstairs

(Also, this conversation is in Italian, but I don't feel like having to write in Italian)

V: Morning assholes
D: Ahh and look Vic finally comes down
V: Hahaha, so funny
T: So are we allowed to know what happened to Mitchie and why she had to stay the night
E: Oh yeah, what happened with that? Is she okay
D: Did you guys sleep together
V: Well, number one, it's about her personal life number 2. Yeah, she's okay, and 3. No, we didn't "sleep" together like that.

I continued talking to the guys for a few minutes while they made breakfast. Then I heard a faint voice calling
M: vica.......victoria
V: Hey Mity I'm in here with the guys. I a faint "fuck" but I just thought whatever
V: Morning mity
M: Morning vica, morning guys
D: Morning
E: Morning Mitchie
T: Morning are you okay
V: Thomas shut up
M: ...Vica can I talk to you in private real quick
V: uh yeah sure

I walked her over to the living room area so we could talk in private away from the guys

M: Um did you tell them about my dad
V: what no I would never that's not my information to tell tell I just told them it was a matter of your personal life
M: Oh okay uh thanks you for not telling them
V: of course mity do you want to stay for breakfast with us
M: uh well I should be being back
V: Mityyy pretty please
M: Okay yes vica I'll stay for a few more minutes
V: yay okay come, come love

We walked back into the kitchen while the boys just were standing there and looking at each other like they we definitely just talking about us

V: ....welp okay soooo Mitchie is staying for breakfast
D: Oh okay here come sit. He said pulling out to chairs for me and Victoria
V: Thanks dami
M: thank you

Damiano then went to the counter and grabbed the place of pancakes and set them on the table and he and the rest if the guys sat down. I quickly grabbed 2 and started eating and the guys also grabbed some and strated eating when I noticed that Mitchie hadn't grabbed any

V: Hey you know if you want so you can have some
M: Oh no im fine I had a big meal last night
V: Oh really okay do you want anything to drink or anything though
M: Oh no im okay thanks tho vica, oh and I really should be going now
V: aw okay here I'll help you get your stuff
M: Okay

I took Mitchie back up to my room and she was about to put back on her clothes from the other day whe. I stopped her

V: Here wear these. I handed her a new shit and pants
M: Oh no its okay I'll wear my clothes from yesterday you already left me wear your pjs
V: No it's okay really here take them and gimme your clothes I'll wash them and give them back to you
M: you sure vica
V: Yeah of course mity
M: Okay

She quickly got dressed in the clothes and we headed downstairs so I could walk her to her cab

M: Bye guys. She yelled out
E: BYE Mitchie

We walked outside and we saw the cab at the gate at the end of the drive and I had put my arm around her waist she didn't seem to mind. Then we got to end of the drive and gate opened up

M: thank you again Victoria I really appreciate last night
V: of course your welcome here anytime love. I said letting go of her waist
M: byebye vica. She kissed me on the cheek
V: byebye mity

I walked up to house actually really happy I liked that she kissed me even if it was just on the cheek. As I walked in I was greeted by my 3 favorite faces

D: what was that
T: yeah explain Victoria
V: explain what
E: That little thing outside
T: Oh yeah and was she not wanting your pjs and clothes?
V: Okay so yeah I let her browse som clothes who cares
T: and what about that kiss? Yeah we saw that too
V: Yeah okay and it was exactly what you saw a kiss on the cheek now will you guys stop questioning me so I can go finish my pancakes
D: uh fine but uh I like the new nickname Vica
V: I hate you Dami
WOOHOO chapter 7 done

So what do we think about Mitchie giving Victoria a little kiss

Also an tips about how to write better please do tell

Also what did we think about the switched pov 🤔

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