Ch. 4 Clubs

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Also, in this chapter, when they are talking, if it's just an M: then that's just Mitchie talking with someone who doesn't have an M name
Mitchie Pov
After I got to the hotel, I took a hot shower and just relaxed for a few hours until about 7. Also, Ma Marco and Michael got back to the hotel around 5:30 ish. Then I went through my clothes and picked out a deep red little mimi dress, and I paired it with my everyday black boots. I also did some makeup it was a slightly red smokey eye and a black cat wig eyeliner with a bold red lip. Cassidy texted me a little after 8:02, saying she was here and in the parking lot of the hotel waiting for me in the cab, so I grabbed my purse and headed out to the parking lot to fine the cab.

M: Cassieee
C: Ahhh, Ciao Mitchie, it's been so long. She said, giving me a side hug
M: Yeah, what about 5 years
C: God, I used to love when yall came up to visit. My mama missed you. I think she might love you more than me, to be honest
M: Ha, I've missed Auntie too, and yeah, she probably does love me more
C: Haha, so funny, Mitchie
Cab driver: Ciao, sorry to interrupt, but it's gonna be about a 30-minute drive to the club
C: Oh no, you're fine. You didn't interrupt, don't worry
M: Yeah, but also, can I know more about the friends that I'm supposed to be meeting?
C: Hmmmm....well, there are 3 guys and 1 girl
M: Okay and....
C: nope your not allowed to know anything else for now
M: You know, sometimes you can be a real bitch
C: and you still love me for it

We spent the next 29 minutes catching up on what has happened for the last 5 years of are lifes and I did get a little more info on her firends that there in a band. After a little over what felt like only a few minutes, we arrived at the club/bar place.

C: So, are you excited to meet them
M: Yeah, but also, this is my first time in a bar that I won't have to use a fake ID to get Alcohol
C: Ohh shit yeah I forgot that in the States, you have to be 21, right
M: Yeah but, technically you can get in at 18. But you have to be 21 to drink, tho, but that's never stopped me
C: Ha, omg, you're a bad girl. What would your ma say
M: Cass, I doubt she'd even care, but are your friends already here?
C: Oh yeah, they got here a few minutes ago. I told them I had to come get you before u came so they know you're coming, but just like you, all they know is your gender
M: Why can't I know their names, at least. I said as we walked into the club and started looking around for people.
C: Because the element of surprising and not letting ether of you internet stalk the other.
M: Well- i started talking but was cut off by Cassidy screaming and then running to a guy at the bar who had brown hair that was a little longer than

D: Ciao Cassidy amore mio. He said, kissing her on the cheek
C: Okay well Mitchie this is Damiano and Damiano. This is Mitchie or mit my cousin.
M: Hi, I am Mitchie
D: Well, Ciao Mitchie, I'm Damiano, so you're the famous childhood cousin she is always talking about. I noticed he had a very familiar voice.
M: Well, yeah, I assume I hope it was all good things
D: Oh yeah, all good things. Don't worry, so did Cass tell you anything about us, or are you meeting us knowing nothing
M: Well, she told me there were going to be 3 guys, and 1 girl, and you guys are in a band, but that everything she told me
D: Oh okay well you already met me now. Why don't we go back to the table that we got for all of us to sit at.

As we walk away from the main serving bar, we walk toward a table with 3 very attractive people sitting at it

C: Hey, you know both you sing. She wispher to me
M: Oh really, that's cool. I said back

D: Okay, and we're here. That's Victoria. He pointed to the girl. That's Ethan. He pointed to the guy with long black hair. And last this is Thomas. He said, sitting next to the last guy who was blonde
C: Well, guys, this is Mitchie she's not shy. She's just nervous
V: No reason to be nervous, bellissim. She said with a very attractive Italian accent
C: God vic, you just met her. Do you already have to flirt with her
V: Shut up. I was not. I'm just being nice
C: Well, whatever Mitchie here, you can sit next to Victoria. If that's okay with you
M: Yeah, that's fine with me. I said, sliding into the one side of the both next to Victoria.

They all talked for a few minutes about whatever I didn't really play attention to what they were talking about after. For about 10 minutes, I needed a drink, so I told Cass and headed to the bar

Bartender: Ciao, what can I get you
Mitchie: Ciao, can I get a Negroni, please
Bartender: Yeah, coming right up

I sat at the bar while he made my drink, then decided I would just stay up for a bit

V: Having fun all by yourself, Mitchie
M: Oh shit hi Victoria, right? I thought you guys were all talking and stuff
V: Yeah, and well, they were. I wanted to come make sure that you were okay being by yourself and you can call me Vic. That's what my friends call me
M: Oh okay well Vic I'm okay. I just wanted a drink
V: Do you mind if I sit with you and also get a drink
M: Oh no, please sit
V: Grazie Mitchie

We stayed there for a few minutes talking and drinking she is actually pretty cool, and she really is so hot, to be honest, after we both had a few drinks we were just talking a out literally what ever cause we were both a tiny bit drunk.

V: Mitchie, you Wanna go to the dance floor and dance with me
M: I'm not much of a dance, but you know what, why the hell not

We went to the dance floor and where dance and having fun I also noticed that she was shorter than me which I didn't expect for some reason but we had a good time dancing together for like an hour before we went back to the others at the table.

C: Damn where did yall go
M: To dance
V: We had fun
D: Well, I'm glad you two had fun, but we really should be heading out. we have rehearsal in the studio tomorrow
V: But Dami, I wanna stay and hang out with my new friend. She said, giving damiano a sad face
E: Well, while don't you get her number cause it's getting late and I need my rest
V: fineeee Mitchie, what's your number. She handed me her phone
M: Okay here. I put in my number. l. I handed her the phone back
V: Yay okay byebye Mitchie. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then left with her friends.
C: do you like my friends
M: Yeah, they seem cool
C: So what do you think of Victoria
M: she's nice
C: Okay, let's good. I'm tired, and it's almost 1am

We called a cab, and it dropped me off at the hotel. And I went in and fell asleep right away

Woo-hoo, okay, chapter 4 is done.

What did we think of Mitchie and Victoria meeting 🤔
Still, if yall have any constructive criticism, I'm open to hearing it. Thanks 😊

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