Ch.6 Crying helps

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Just wanna say big TW for mentions of death in this chapter, so yeah, be aware

Mitchie Pov
Funerals and death are supposed to be sad and make you feel emotions. But when I heard my dad died in a car accident, I wasn't sad in all honesty. I didn't have any emotions, really maybe cause it was so new in my head I didn't react or maybe it was cause I was having fun when I found out but all that matters right now is getting ready and making sure Michael is okay. I quickly got ready, then when to make sure Michael had his suite on.

Mit: You look good, Michael
Mic: Thanks, Mitchie. He said, holding back his tears
Mit: Aw, it's okay buddy it's okay it will be okay. I promised and hugged him.

I stayed hugging him for a good 5 minutes till Ma saw us and told us to go the cab downstairs. we walked down to the cab in silence.

Cab ride was also silence. We didn't speak not not even Ma and Marco, which was surprising cause normall they always talked. Then we arrived. I saw auntie and uncles and cousins I hadn't seen in years. Even when we had been visited when we did those trips, they were never there when we visited. Ma talked with almost everyone. I stayed mostly to myself and only really talking to Cassidy and Michael or texting Sammy, who was making sure I was okay knowing that today was the funeral. I told him I would be fine, and he made sure to ask again, but I gave the same answer. Ma had me take pictures with so of dad's relatives  so she could put the pictures on Facebook.

Then we went back to the hotel at around 2 pm, it was quiet. I wanted to let Michael have so alone time cause I know he likes being able to be alone sometimes, then being with me all the time.

After a few hours, it was about 4 p.m., and I got a text from Victoria

Victoria (girl from club)
V: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for drinks at 6 with me
M: Hey Vic, yeah, sure, I'd love to get drinks with you
V: yay okay we can go to this one bar. I really love called Spirito
M: oo okay I meet you there
V: yay okay see you there, Mitchie ❤️
I'll admit I probably should stay home considering what just happened early my fucking dad's funeral but I need an escape and Achool and Victoria are the perfect way to escape

It was about 7 now and me and Victoria are having a great time just sitting at the bar talking and having some drinks
M: Okay so what's your favorite childhood memory
V: Hmm Oh probably when me and my sister would put on like concert for out mom when we were like 3 and 6.
M: omg that sounds hilarious I would pay good money to see little 6 year old you putting on a tiny concert
V: haha so funny Mitchie
M: your mom sounds like fun Maybe one day I can meet her
V: ha well I hope not anytime soon. Cause you know she died when I was 15
M: Oh shit.....Victoria, im sorry I didn't know. I didn't mean to bring that up
V: Oh no, it's okay. You didn't know, so don't even worry about it. You're right she was a fun person.

I have no clue what hit me in that moment, but I know that I was ready to cry, and all I could think about was my dad, so i told vic I need some air and a smoke and then Id be back in.

After about 10 minutes of trying to hold my tears in, I went back to the front of the building and saw Victoria walking out and thought to myself "shit"

M: fuck Victoria I didn't realize I had been out here for so long I was just about to come back in
V: Are you sure you looked like you were ready to cry when you left are you okay
M: Yeah yeah....I'm fine. I struggled to hold in my tears
V: hey hey look at me, it's okay. She said, pulling me into a hug
M: Victoria, I shouldn't be here. I'm sorry. I said, pulling away
V: hey no its okay. What happened do you wanna take about it, Mitchie
M: Today was my dad's funeral. I said, finally letting out some tears
V: Oh no Mitchie its okay. Come here. She said, pulling me in and wiping away my tears using her hand
M: I don't even know why I'm fucking crying vic I didn't even cry when I found out that he died
V: Hey looks it's okay look here let's go to my house isn't far from her
M: Okay. I said, sniffing
V: Okay, let's go
M: Wait, what about the bill vic
V: Dont worry about it. I already paid it before I came out, okay, let me call a cab alright
M: Okay.

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