Ch.13 Busy morning

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Mitchie Pov
We eventually winded up packing up our stuff after we had some "fun," and then we went to bed early but not before the guys practiced in there home studio so we could get up early for the flight. The Måneskin band manager said she was gonna meet them in the car to bring them to the airport tomorrow morning. They also said they would have to have me meet her or else she would probably have a fit about bringing a random girl with them, which is understandable.

But now it's 5am, and they are doing last-minute checks on things like their instruments getting to LA safety and now Thomas joking with me about how he knows what me and Victoria did because I was not quite what so ever.

T: You know maybe we should have sound proffed Vic room instead of our studio
M: omg shh shut up. It's too early for you to be making these jokes and ether way. shhh about it, I don't think vica wants people knowing yet
T: Yeah , I know, but you apparently want everyone in this house to know. I mean "ohhh Victoria" "Victoria, I'm gonna -" I covered up his mouth
M: I swear to God Thomas. Victoria can in the living room
V: Did I interrupt something like Thomas did the other day
M: No, Thomas is just being an ass
V: Well, I mean, it's Tommy, so that's normal
T: Stop calling me Tommy
V: Not if you don't stop aynning my girlfriend
T: Girlfriend? He said, smirking
M: Girlfriend! I said, shocked
V: I meant uhm-
M: no its okay. I said with a huge smile on my face
T: oooooo Vicky's gotta girlfriend Vicky's got a girlfriend wait....  he ran outta the living room
V: "quella puttana" (that bitch)

Victoria ran outta this living room chasing Thomas I ran out chasing Victoria so she wouldn't kill Thomas

E: Thomas what the hell
T: Mitchie and Victoria are girl- Victoria tackled Thomas
D: omg Victoria

Me and Ethan ran up to Victoria to get her off of him

D: Thomas, Victoria what's going on
V: Thomas is being a bitch
T: I'm only telling them what you told me
V: uhh yeah but that doesn't mean go and tell everyone okay Thomas
E: what did you say
D: Wait who's your girlfriend isn't that what he was yelling about
T: Hmm I don't know who was moaning Victoria's name last night hmm
V: Uh fine me and Mitchie have been messing around okay but girlfriend just slipped out okay we haven't even talked about it like that
E: Well I'm happy for you to if thats what you want to happen I mean you to also already has so much fun together
M: Well thank you Ethan
E: yes of course.

*damiano phone ring*
D: Hello Natalie
N: Hello, where the hell are you? Are the cars outside move it, people
D: shit yeah we're coming now
End of call

D: we have to go now
T: Natalie?
D: Yup
V: uhhh, come on, mity. I'll introduce you to her
M: Thomas, can you grab mine and then Victoria's suite case
Y: uh yeah sure
V: Woo, thanks, Tommy

We quickly ran out the front door so Thomas would yell at us

V: Okay so are Mangers name is Natalie she kinda a bitch but you'll get use to her. But how do you want to be introduced to her like are firend my friend like something else
M: uhm, why don't we take things slow and say I'm your friend
V: You know what? I like that idea. Take things slow. I'll tell the boys that to
M: Thank you, my last relationship . I was in went really fast and ended badly, and I don't want that for us yk cause like I feel I have a new best friend
V: Yeah, of course okay, well here, the car brace yourself
N: Victoria darling my love come here Sweetie girl
V: Hi Natalie
N,: and who who that be. She said with a discussing face on
M: Hi, I'm Mitchie burno
N: Okay, and you can from where
V: she's my friend, okay Natalie
N: hm fine I guess
V: Yeah, also the boys are coming there just grabbing all the bags
N: mhm, so Mitchie, what's your job
M: huh oh uh well i sing in a band
N: Hmmm, interesting. Are you any good
V: Yes, yes, she is Natalie
N: mhm, do you have an Instagram page or something. She said, pulling out her phone
V: Yes, she does its Mitchie_Bruno02
N: Okay, your 20 ?
M: Yeah

Then, after a minute or two so silence because Natalie was trying to find my instagram, then we heard the truck open, and the boys were talking

N: Yay, the boys are here. we need to move quicker guys
V: Did you find her Instagram? Isn't she amazing. I just blushed
N: Well, I haven't heard it yet, so let me play it so we can all hear it
V: Why not? I mean, the guys haven't heard it either

Then the boys went in the car and went completely silent until Natalie started to speak

N: Well, boys, not that you're here. I want to play a little video for you all
D: oooo okay, what do you have for us
T: Yeah, what's the video
N: it's just a little music. She said as she looked back down at her phone and hit play

The song I was singing in the recording was from my last show when I was downtown it was the last song that we had done of the night, and that song had been chosen by Sammy it was "Seven Nation Army by The White Strips" she played about a minute of it then stopped

N: Hmm, not bad, I guess You could make it somewhere
D: What do you mean that was fucking amazing Natalie
V: See Natalie. I told you she could sing
T: damn that was you, Mitchie. He sounded impressed
M: Yeah, it was.
E: I didn't know you were a singer
M: Well, I'm not professional, at least
D: Are you kidding me? You should sound amazing. I'm surprised you haven't been signed with a company yet
M: No, im not that good
V: Yes, you are Damiano. You need to pull some strings and get her audition
M: No, I can't ask you to do that
N: Exactly, she can't and doesn't want to
Driver: Uh, we're here, everyone

We got outta the car and went inside the the airport and Damiano ran up to Giorgia and hugged her

V: Giorgia!! Yay, is she coming to
G: no sadly I can't, but I figured u would meet you guys here and wish you luck. Oh Mitchie your coming with them
M: Oh yeah, they invited me
G: Oh, that's nice
T: hey I don't mean to be a bitch but I think we need to heading to
G: Oh yeah that's fine

Damiano and Georgia said bye and had there moment then we went there the got everything figured out and got on the plane
Woo-hoo new chapter ✨️ How did I do

So yeah just a kinda short chapter but yeah like I said I'll be kinda busy this week and need week is what I call "hell week" so I probably won't be able to write at all next week other then maybe yk the weekends but I'm still kinda busy then but yeah I'll try to get another chapter out in the next 2 weeks or so

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