Ch.8 No chance

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Mitchie Pov
I kissed her. I mean, I kissed her on the cheek, but it was still something, and I felt like she might have enjoyed the kiss to I thought about this all thought the cab ride until I was interrupted by talking

Cab driver: Okay, miss your here
Mitchie: Oh yeah, thanks

I quickly got out and headed to the room when I could hear yelling, "Do I quickly go in

Mit: What the fuck are you guys yelling I could hear you from down the fucking hallway
Ma: Your dumbass of a bother got into a bar fight after you left he went to a bar so I had one son getting in a fucking bar fight and my only  daughter being a slut and sleeping around
Mit: Fuck you Ma your a bitch I'm not a God damn slut I stayed at a friend's house cause "This" family is to fucking much you wanna know the only reason I'm actually still here and haven't moved out Michael I'm here for Michael but fuxk you ma I'm so done with your and Marcos bullshit
Mar: Ma stop you both are overeating you guys aren't meaning what you say
Mit: Oh no I mean it okay I'm getting my shit and leaving
Mar: don't Mitchie your ganna regret it
Mit: No fucking chance

I just walked away to my room and packed my shit in my suite case and tuned out the yelling. Then I quickly wrote a note to Michael saying

"To my dear brother Michael
   I love you and I'm sorry to leave you now but I can't take there shit anymore you know how hard I fight with them and I'm don't I can't be called a slut any longer but I love you Michael and will still be in rome for the next week with you but just not in this room I can always take you one day to get a break and you can still text me but this felt more personal then a text I love you again

Then I sat it on his bed and grabbed my suite case and walked out of the hotel room, and called Cassidy

(Phone call with Cass)
C: Hey, Mitchie
M: Cassie, can I stay at your place for a few days please
C: Uh mitch, did you forget I'm not at my place? I'm on the train rn with hunter
M: Shit I forgot yall leave today fuck
C: Well what happened is it life or death cause if it is I can be back to my house within the next hour or two
M: Uh nah don't worry about it cass it's okay I'm just not staying with my family anymore
C: Well fuck actually I might have a place you can go. Give me a second
*end of call*

One minute later
M: Hey Cass, what's up
C: Okay, so my friend said you can stay with her and she will be more than happy to have you stay
M: phew okay good so who is this mystery girl
C: Well........
M: Cass
C: you see
M: You didn't ask "her" did you
C: So...technically
M: omg I just meant this girl I can't ask her to let me stay at her house for a week Cassidy
C: Welp its to late she's already on her way
M: No change I'm not going I can't  just interpret her life for a week
C: welp you didn't have a problem sleeping with her last night and interrupting then
C: did you forget already damn was it that bad
M: huh what no...we didn't sleep together like you think
C: I can tell your face is as red at a cherry right now and your location was on I saw yall location at the same place dumbass
M: fuxk you
C: uh just shhh and wait for your knight in shining bassist
M: fuxk you cass
C: love me okay gotta go byeeeee
Okay chapter 8 is done

What do we think of the fact that Mitchie is ganna have to be staying with Victoria for the next like week

Also i was able to get one more day on my break so yay I could use this day to write

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